saltwater fish tank in Taiwan

  • 主題發起人 percula
  • 開始日期
  • 關注者 0


Sorry I have to use English since I don't know how to enter Chinese characters here. I am a new member. I would like to introduce myself to the board. I grew up in Taiwan, went to USA in 1984. I currently live in Washington DC area. It takes me 2 minutes walk from where I work to the White House.
I have about 20 tanks, all salt water. One 75 gallon soft corals show tank in my living room and the rest are fish only. I don't really spend too much time on my 75G. My main interest is clownfish breeding. I have successfully bred couple of different kind of clownfish. I tried to breed cleaner shrimp with no success so far.
I have couple of questions regarding this hobby in Taiwan. Where are the fish and corals come from? Are they imported or locally harvested? What kind of clownfish and annemone are generally available in the store? Their prices?
If you have any questions for me I will be glad to answer them.
Thank you.
We want to konw what was your intention in doing that ?
You are terrifically ! you can bred clownfish !!
We know clownfish be gather by USA result from a movie about clownfish.
In Taiwan, clownfish about NT $ 200.
糟糕! Finding Nemo在USA已造成此"瘋"潮,不知在台灣會變成怎樣??
(詳情請參考REEF CENTRAL的CBS的early show,看看tetra統的大trouble..
$200 NT? What kind of clownfish are we talking about? How many different kinds are normally available?
Let me show you my fish room and some of the fish I bred (3 weeks old).
I have having problem upload pictures. Here are the links:
Where are the fish and corals come from?
Indonesia, Philippines, even the States and the usual exporting countries.
Are they imported or locally harvested?
Both. Depends on the kinds of fishes.
What kind of clownfish and annemone are generally available in the store?
The usual kinds of clownfishes, and some black ones. For anemones: bubble tip, carpet, rose bulb, tube, Sebae, Long Tentacle.

Their prices? I would say from $80 to several hundred of NT dollars. For anemones:eek:ne to several hundred dollars.
Why do you ask these kinds of questions? Do you plan to open a business here?
請 放 心 ,我 只 是 好 奇 . 有 一 些 些 小 丑 魚 美 國 不 好 找 不 知 台 灣 有 沒 有 .
To Percula,
Appreciate if you can share your experience of breed salt fish to the members. Thanks.
By the way, you are so close to the political pivot
沒 關 係 我 可 以 用 中 文 了 ﹔ 有 人 看 不 懂 ﹔
其 實 不 很 難 ﹔ Joyce Walkerson 寫 的 小 丑 魚 的 書 一 定 要 有 ﹔ 不 知 中 文 版 有 沒 有 ﹔
大 部 分 的 小 丑 魚 一 旦 開 始 生 蛋 就 不 停 ﹔ 大 概 一 月 兩 回 ﹔ 蛋 要 7-9 天 孵 化 ﹔ 最 重 要 的 是 前 五 天 的 食 物 ﹔ 得 養 一 種 浮 游 物 叫 rotifer; 小 魚 只 吃 活 食 ﹔ 而 且 要 比 他 嘴 小 ﹔ 五 天 後 ﹔ 用 剛 孵 化 的 brine shrmps (不 知 中 文 叫 什 麼 )﹔ 3 週 後 用 大 魚 食 ﹔ 要 磨 硾 ﹔
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