[討論] NO3 Po4 酒精化除法 討論區

還希望大大們後續過程能繼續不吝分享經驗 ^^
When I first setup my previous 100gl rimless tank I had been adding Microbacter7 from Brightwell aquatics. While this helps the tank I wasn't all that impressed. It wasn't until I started dosing vodka that things really took off. Within a month of dosing vodka I no longer had to use GFO. Within 3 months I actually had to add Amino Acids and feed the tank more as it had become "too clean". The corals had lightened up and actually stopped growing. After cutting back a bit on the vodka dosage and adding more food the corals once again took off.

While I was happy with the results of dosing vodka, I ran into a few issues. The number one issue I ran into was red slime, or cyano. The cyano would rear its ugly head every four months or so. While it did not affect the corals, it did smother the sandbed and take away from the overall aesthetics of the aquarium. After some research, it turns out that the cyano was appearing due to the vodka breaking the saturation point of available carbon in the system. The excess carbon could not be taken up by the beneficial bacteria present in the system, and thus the opportunistic cyano would creep in.

With this in mind I decided to change things up when setting up Rimless Reef 2. While Biopellets had been on the market for over a year, they had not been thoroughly tested at the time. Being the mad scientist that I am, I decided to give the Biopellets a shot. From what I understand, the pellets provide a constant carbon source for the bacteria, while NOT breaching the saturation point of carbon. What you end up with is a continuous supply of carbon without the worry of a cyano breakout or daily dosing.

The first 4-6 weeks of running the pellets were a bit rough. This was expected, and I weathered the storm. During the break in period after introducing the pellets into my system I dealt with all sorts of minor issues. I had a very large outbreak of diatoms, followed by an equally large outbreak of red cyano. Around the 6 week mark the cyano disappeared almost over night. What I am now left with is a clean and healthy sandbed, low nutrients, and the luxury of going 7-10 days without having to clean the viewing panes of the aquarium.


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