ccc.. 冷水機是直接接到底缸... maybe 1 mouths 放魚..溢流管沒用纏止洩帶.. 我use NAN YA VINYL ADHESIVE to 接合管管.. I can't type chinese right now.. only copy and paste..sorry about that.. about 噪音.. I make the tank super I can have good sleep at night..
Good! Your fish tank is very hight class .
but, Your美人蝦不會 KO 清潔蝦嗎? My 美人蝦(beauty vettes)就 KO 了我的 機械蝦(enginery vettes)...
How can you have good sleep all night? ...about noise ,溢流管 不會 出現noise 嗎?..溢流管的Air noise ..and FIX Queen TS-2000...ViaAqua 2600..Rio1700....super quite?......I donot blieve it....can you tall me ...why?
My English is no good ....I try...
缸中ㄉ6隻機械蝦,1隻清潔蝦, 1隻美人蝦, 一隻珊瑚蝦是台南ㄉ魚友已經馴養年多...而且一起入缸所以平安相處...但珊瑚蝦ㄉ螯被我處理掉, 防止晚上偷吃魚
C C C ...about noise... 可能每人對噪音承受不一...崇我很小時爸爸教我養魚...我ㄉ房間只要有地方一定有魚缸...聽到水聲就很安心...程經家中最多有7缸之離譜..ha ha ha..
溢流管是有一點聲ㄉ...噪音是崇水壓加空氣來ㄉ...如果有很細ㄉ氣泡...和比例剛好ㄉ氣量...你就可控制水ㄉ流速...然後流到skimmer...可消音又可增加skimmerㄉ效能...ViaAqua 2600..Rio1700 they all under the water ... for me is quite all right... c C C...
take me 45min to type all the ㄅㄆㄇ....請問哪種輸入法好學易上手...Thx..