AZ-NO3 降 NO3 藥的使用方法與功能介紹

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這幾個禮拜被 PH84 的大大們照顧, 想說來回饋一下吧.

AZ-NO3 好像沒有很多討論, 大多是看到加糖, 蜂蜜, 酒精的文章比較多
但是看一看好像風險也不少. 在爬文的過程中看到了 AZ-NO3 好像比其他的添加物好很多,
所以我做了一些功課. 跟大家分享一下.

這邊是 AZ-NO3 使用說明與功能介紹的翻譯, 如果有錯還請各位不吝指教.


第四代 AZ-NO3 具備了"冷過濾" 以及處理的技術, 可以減低水族箱的霧化(註:有機碳源加太多
會讓細菌年在一起, 進而霧化水質), 即使是沒有好好維護的海水缸也有效果(碘不平衡).

它的硝酸鹽減低能力比上一代快了兩倍, 另外, 當產品沒有開封時, 保存期限幾乎是永久, 開封後
注意: 只能使用在海水缸中

這邊專有名詞太多了, 有興趣的可以自己看看, 大概就是 AZ-NO3 如何作用, 我稍微看一下, 不
"除氮劑量"是 0.25 ounce /50 gallon(大約是 4cc/100L), 直到 NO3 為零. 如果可以的話使
用雙倍劑量, 此產品不會傷害缸中的生物. 大型的海水缸則需要更多的劑量, 但是 NO3 通常可以
在相同的時間降為零(註: 所以不必加雙倍? 有點矛盾. 呵呵).
在 NO3 為零之後, 很多人在不自覺的狀況下 在換水, 餵食, 或是添加的時候讓 NO3 增加, 這個
時候就要使用"維持劑量"來需要維持酵素作用, 使 NO3 維持在一定水平

使用維持劑量的初期使用 1/2 的除氮劑量, 並持續低降低AZ-NO3 的使用量, 並讓 NO3 到無法
增測的量. 這樣做是要讓魚缸完全地把 AZ-NO3 完全地代謝掉, 並讓活石與活沙的自然的反硝化
作用開始有功能(註: 所以此產品需要搭配其他系統使用). 維持計量每一兩個禮拜用一次, 直到活
AZ-NO3 除了降低 NO3 外, 還有其他的好處. 魚缸加入AZ-NO3後你會發現蛋白機運轉變得更
有效率, 這會在停止加入AZ-NO3後持續約 30 天. 另外在酵素活化之後沉澱, 與前導濾材(註:
大部分應該是指濾棉) 會收集更多的不好的有機物, 並且需要時常清洗.
---- 其他優點
1. 不會像其他 NO3 降低產品一樣只是讓試劑上的結果降低
2. 可以把 NO3 濃度從 100 降到 0
3. 不會傷害於以及珊瑚
4. 會跟好的蛋白機一起作用, 把黏結的 NO3 粒子去掉, 另外用聚合棉也可以把粒子吸附起來.
5. 大大的提升蛋白機移除水溶性有機物的效率
6. 絕對不含酵母菌或複糖, 添加那些物質長期會帶來無法預期的問題
7. 非細菌類的產品, 所以不會被其他添加產品, 藥物, 或是附加劑所影響. 可以安心地與其他水
8. 溫度23 度時可以保存一年(註:不是說可以保存永久嗎?)

AZ-NO3 在下列狀況下會無法作用
1. UV 殺菌光高於 50,000 microwatts - sec/cm2.
2. 臭氧飽和度在蛋白機中超過 40%
3. 使用者不更換/清洗濾棉, 這會讓那些黏結的粒子又變成 NO3 分解回水中, 切記! 一定要清
4. 在特殊的情況下, 你的魚可能會感到不適, 這時建議可以加入一些碘附加劑. 記住, AZ-NO3
會讓你的蛋白機更有效率, 碘可能會被蛋白機濾掉.



Fourth Generation Formula: The NEW AZ-NO3 with it`s new "Cold" filtering and processing techniques reduces the clouding effect in even poorly-maintained (ionically-imbalanced) marine aquariums. Its nitrate-removal ability has sped up 2x as fast as before. In addition, its shelf-life is now close to indefinite when un-opened. Or up to 60 days when opened and stored in refrigerator.

Please Note: For use with saltwater tanks only.


The AZ-NO3 (Absolute Zero - NitratesTM) product works entirely by aerobic Cellular Respiration on the target Nitrate molecule, which is then removed by the Protein Skimmer. The oxidoreductases necessary for these processes are the chemical mechanism of an enzyme action.

In the most simplest of explanations, AZ-NO3 can be considered an essential food, required by the active enzyme maltase that functions as a cellular respirator. The manufacturing process renders this product as an undesirable food to certain detrimental enzyme (amylase and invertase) that could uncontrollably proliferate in the aquarium.

Our product utilizes a specific enzyme in the maltase group to activate the oxidoreductases necessary to reduce nitrates by cellular respiration in the aquarium. The product itself does not contain this enzyme, but can be thought of more like a seed, a seed contains the germ (plant) and the food for the plant to grow. The mature plant then becomes the basic food product utilized.

The active ingredient in our product is Cozymase which functions in the oxidation of proteins and of many other compounds important in the intermediary metabolism and the resulting active enzyme Maltase in the aquarium. The Massecuite is food for both the Cozymase to develop and the resultant Maltase to thrive.


The proper denitrifying dosage of the product is 1/4 ounce, daily, for each 50 to 60 gallons of water in the marine aquarium system, until nitrates are undetectable. Overdosing, (up to double the amount) is preferred to underdosing and is not harmful to livestock. Larger aquariums will require a larger dose, but nitrates are normally reduced to zero within the same time period. Many aquarists inadvertently introduce nitrates on a continuing basis, through water changes, food, additives, etc., therefore requiring that they maintain the enzyme activity at a low maintenance dosage to hold nitrates in check. Initially the maintenance dosage should be 1/2 of the denitrifying dosage, steadily decreasing the amount of AZ-NO3 used until nitrates can be maintained at an undetectable level. The intent is to slowly wean the aquarium off the AZ-NO3 product entirely, allowing the natural denitrification properties of the aquariums live rock and/or plenum to come into full functioning. The maintenance dosage can be rescheduled for bi-weekly or even weekly additions as the live rock or substrate develops to it`s full potential.

Effects AZ-NO3 provides many other benefits besides nitrate reduction. Upon addition of the product to the aquarium, you will notice that the Protein Skimmer becomes more efficient and remains that way for approximately 30 days after the final use of the AZ-NO3. In addition, as the enzymes become active, all sediments and pre-filters in the aquarium remove larger amounts of undesirable organics, thus requiring more frequent filter changing.

* It does not interfere with any nitrate test kits to give you illusionQ and fake denitrating effects like the other product (See below "Latest Update").
* It brings down & maintains your nitrate from as high as 100ppm or more to an Absolute-Zero level. Hence the name.
* Safe for reef and fish-mainly marine systems (saltwater use only). Will not harm your delicate corals.
* Works with an efficient protein skimmer to export the bonded nitrate compounds. An alternative way is to employ Polyfilter Pads to adsorb the bonded nitrate compounds.
* Also dramatically enhance the efficiency of your protein skimmer in the removal of other detrimental dissolved organics.
* Contains absolutely no yeast nor complex sugar which will cause adverse effects & other unpredictable complications upon long term usage.
* Since that it is not bacterial-based. Its potency will not be affected by any other additives, medications and supplements. It is fully-compatible with any other chemical engineered for aquatic use.
* Fully-tested by actual hobbyists with all kinds of marine systems and different starting levels of nitrate concentration.
* Newly copyrighted formula developed by a group of Biochemists / Hydroculturists. Product will last for 1 year at 70 degrees.

Latest Update

The AZ-NO3 may not work to its full effectiveness under the following conditions:

* UV Sterilizer running near or above 50,000 microwatts - sec/cm2.
* Ozone saturation above 40% in the protein skimmer.
* Customer not changing pre-filter pads and/or filter sponges in mechanical filters before natural nitrification breaks the maltase molecule back down into it`s original nitrates. So, clean your pre-filters and all pads frequently please.
* Under rare situations that should your fish show stress, an Iodine supplement is recommended. Please bare in mind that the AZ-NO3 enhances the efficiency of your skimmer and Iodine may have been exported.
* Watch your ORP while using this product and increase aeration if there is a need.


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