
0980997889 LINE ID:harryshit
哎! 這好像是粉藍進缸後常常上演的戲碼 拼命的吃 還是一直瘦 直到最後變成薄薄的一片 如果說是因為捕魚的方法所造成的 那比例應該不至於這樣高吧 也且死法都差不多 還是他天生命薄 經不起一絲絲的毒液 所以就算只是一丁點殘留在身體裡 也會慢慢致死呢??????????
粉藍我養過一隻, 在FO 缸
1. 對水質非常敏感
2. 需要大一點的缸, 我以前養在五尺缸還見它整天來回地衝
3. 最好不要有它的同類 , 如雞心, 花吊.... 或其它倒吊, 它的領域性很強
4. 先消除它的緊張, 馴餌很容易
5. 建議粉藍最好在缸的順序上後面一點放, 因為它很會攻擊新魚
6. 水質管理請先上手, 不建議新手或新缸養粉藍

FYI, this PBT has been with me for more than 5 yeas now. I had another one for 3 years before and she died because of the power outage.
PBT needs to follow certain rules especially when you are making your selection at the LFS.
1)The body features need to be normal, meaning clear eyes, round abdominal area, fully attached and clear fins, normal coloration, active, readily accepting and digesting food also, shemust be alert by your presence. The breathing rate needs to be normal and is constantly patrolling the tank she is in. Also, she needs to be in the LFS for a period of time. DO NOT buy any new arrivals no matter how good she looks or how good the price offered, if the fish is not eating, then let it be.
2)You need to train it to accept flak food, which is highly nutritious. Offer food a few times a day. You also need to offer algae. Nori is a good supplement; do not offer them human vegetables. Most of the human vegetables contain too much water that will not help them sustain needed nutritions. Excessive moisture in the human vegetables will causing the fish defecates constantly. The only way to offer human consumed vegetables are those that are prepared with other ingredients with only fibers remained. Spirulina is a great staple for this fish and all other Tangs.
3)This fish needs high dissolved oxygen to thrive. This means for those of you who wants to keep this beautiful fish, you should either have a powerful skimmer and have high flow rate in your tank. This fish also needs ample space to live healthy, as crowded environment will only stress this fish because of constant aggression among tank mates.
4)Proper pH level is also extremely important. This fish is very sensitive to water parameter swing.
5)Temperature. You should have a good temperature monitor and controller. Temperature that deviates more then 2+ degrees will cause discomfort and ignite ich.
Anyway, Only Ocean Park able to did it than ours' "Jail"
感謝各位同好經驗之談, andrew你真的不錯ㄝ,可以將PBT樣這麼久ㄚ, 對了想請問你目前的這隻PBT是養在軟體缸還是FO缸呢? 謝謝!
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