An expensive fish...

  • 主題發起人 Andrew
  • 開始日期
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And you want to know how much we US hobbyists pay for a fish???
Check this out:
trust, from what I heard, you guys have really good price for the fish and coral, LOL!!!
[這個帖子最後由KHU在 2002/05/21 11:37pm 編輯]

Andrew , you bid that one from eBay? $2500
我不知道台北這種魚要多少COCO, 我還沒見過, 這是Clarion Anglefish, 學名 Holacanthus clarionensis, 與國王, 女王, 美國石美人同一類的,原產地加勒比海和東太平洋加州一帶, 需低溫20度養殖
eBay 現在標2500USD
順便提一下, 各位如果熟悉eBay , 上面有很多很便宜的器材可以去標, 保證比在國內向代理商買便宜太多太多, 且有很多精品
Unless the wrold is ending tomorrow or I hit the lottery, no f***ing way I would pay $2500 USD for a fish!!! LOL!!!!!
My poor Andrew:
In Japan, some rich guys will pay USD10000 for a unhealthy" Peracentropyge boylei", I think I will pay more for improve my Mercedes!! LOL!!
When I am back in Taiwan, I guess I will ask you for a ride, LOL!!
Of course no problem, and a ride to all SPS lover's home in KH and TPE...HaHa!!
I served in the Taiwanese Navy as a frogman in 1989, that is why I chose gwak gwak, my dad sent me back cause I was outta control. He was an Army general!! Man, they kicked my Ass bad! LOL!!!
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