Some of my corals

  • 主題發起人 Andrew
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NBL 潘朵拉菌、希瓦氏菌、Goretos高爾多斯系列飼料、Lucia 露西亞珊瑚飼料
經銷、販售 聯繫電話:886-7-7930233
You do a great job on keeping reef. After a year,we hope that you send more
pictures and we can share together.
All of us are expecting your pictures. Let's wait and see!
Come on! If you don't post your tank's picture when you lose the sunshine , then you'll lose the stars too!
∼∼from 泥巴∼∼
How are you, I hope all is well with you and a big thanx to others for their complements.
My emperator angel, this juvenile is the replacement of the one I lost in the black out which I had for 8 years.

This is the top right hand corner with green Pocillipora eyoudix, pink pocillipora verrucosa, powder purple humili and yellow tenuis.
Cothard, Nfshih and Bowwen:
Thanx, I will update when ready.
Very interesting expression, I am not sure what you meant but I will post the updates when ready.
Thank you, how are things doing on your neck of the wood??
Unfortunately, I didn't take those pics but my buddy Joe Burger did. Will ask him to shoot more zoom-in shots when he stops by again.
I actually have many fish in my tank but they were startled when Joe was taking those pics. I have 1 PBT, 1 Chevron, 1 blenny, 1 emperator angel, 4 chromises. The only other fishes I would add are a small school of cardinals. That is about it.
I am more aware of the space issue now and had learned from my past mistakes of over-populating the tank with fish and ignored their final grow out size. I do not want to repeat the past mistakes I made and I sure am not a supporter of some of the practices with people on this borad. Just the other day I saw a 2 ft tank with nothing but large angels in it, OMG, no one seems to realized that's an unethical practice and those fish would not last in the long run. What I am trying to say is that I am more aware of the bioload and the holding capacity of my tank than before.
Will update when ready. thank you all.
This is my club's chairperson's 22,000 gallon reef tank. Wow!
He is the curator of Atlantis Marine World and one of the advance aquarists in the United States. The corals and fishes (especially anthias) in this display tank are awesome.
Wow, what a incradible tank it is!
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