0980997889 LINE ID:harryshit
Thanks for your valuable information ... English is OK for me except somer marine words. I am the same as you typing English is faster.
Do envy you have time to visit fish shop at BIZ trip ... I got a chance this April to Germany, did not find any shop there ... very disappointed. Lucky thing is I have friends in HK, will consider to ask their hand for those goods.
I took 2 hrs for internet searching the Prodibio, it is the same as you mentioned very few/limited information in TWN. Some guy said the function of Bio Digest is similar to ZEO start2, how do you think ? are you using ZEO system or full Prodibio ?
Last night is my 1st time to replace the Zeovit ... my tank is far smaller than yours due to limited space, the actual tank volume is around 70 liter (2 ft main tank + 3 sub tank - 1 for bio system, 1 for algae, 1 for filtration), and found my previous dose may be too much. I "assume" my tank is 100 liter. And my tank is not a new one, it started 2 yrs before, just recent 3 months I start to coral SPS. And you are right, before SPS, I never checked my water quality except my bare eyes ......
40 ppm NO3 seems still too high, plus my wrong dose, 2 coral shown "white" at bottom .... any other good suggestion for this ?? and high NO3 make the PH unstable ...
Thanks again for your god suggestion
1 plus, feel very strange why my PO4 is 0 ? Due to I added in some PO4 adsorber ? or my alage ? alage grows very strong.
PO4 has been tested twice by IC, 2 reading are all zero. Catalyst of NO2 --> NO3 such as NH4 ... = 0.
Below is the last analysis data by IC (weekly basis, daily operation I use titration), suggestion ?
Aug 29
PO4, NO2 = 0
NO3 = 40 ppm
PH 8.25
KH 8
Ca 448
Mg 1377
SpGr 1.028
Hello Atlas,
A quick note for you. I failed to ask your tank size beforehand. Now that your tank is smaller than I thought. In that sense, I am afraid products from Prodibio are not an option for you. Each ampoule will treat at least 200 liters (or 400 liters, it depends) at least according to its instruction. Yet for safety reason, you always need to be cautious by discounting your dosage. That means you require even bigger water volume to utilize these products.
FYI once you break the ampoule, you're supposed to consume all of it at once. You won't be able to preserve the bacteria by whatever means, not even in refrigeration. So this is too much waste in your case.
I also use numerous additives from Zeovit at my tank. In fact, I was inspired by the owner of following link so that I decided to incorporate Prodibio into my system. And so far find both to be a good compliment of each other. Your tank parameters look all in line to me, except for the nitrate. I assume you're using Hanna instrument for po4 measurement. Suffice it to say, flow movement of your tank should not be an issue, reading of 0.00 can be understandable. Yet the interpretation on the nitrate side is really bizarre to me, too. (Do you use a phos reactor? Or just passive flow-thru?) My 30-year experience teaches me to be humble on judging other folks’ tank works. There're, of course, a number of ways to improve on EVERYONE'S tank. Ionized balanced environment especially between calcium and magnesium can contribute to eliminating STN syndromes for instance. But again, without a long-term observation on a tank, any suggestions could be guessing only. (Julian Sprung also mentioned this.) Actually when I locate something irregular at my tank, I usually stop dosing for a full week. Not having a solid foundation, this approach works fine-tune for me.
Well I am afraid I might occupy too much of this discussion forum without giving you any concrete suggestions. If you don't mind feel free to drop me messages on my mail, I would be more than happy to exchange ideas with you later on.
Hi Daniel,
Thanks a lot .... I may need to clean my sub-tank (sump) again, to move out some filtration material to prevent nitrate accumulation ......
For all those element analysis, I use IC (much precise than Hanna).
Thanks again, will keep you posted .......
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