用zeovit 的sps的大老們請賜教, 謝謝(後來自己摸~做紀錄看看會不會倒)

I perfer u answered in english.
Maybe I can translate it for u.
Yep.ppls will need ur advices.^^
that will be great.
anyway before I make any comment, can jimchao100 tell me about your tank volume.
How much zeolite are you currently using and what is the flow rate coming out from the zeovit reactor.
Lastly your current p04 level base on what kind of test kit.
As of what I'm trying to say in the previous message, a p04 reading of 0.02 from hanna is just a rough guide line cause it does not mean you will have colorful sps when p04 is low. Cause you may face problem like low flow and some area of your tank is trap with high amount of p04 and these p04 are not capature in the hanna reading thus the result of 0.02 can be misleading. Also p04 consist of organic and in-organic.
If your p04 is below 0.05 and yet your sps is brown then something is very wrong and you will require help from people who are knowledgable to aids you in getting your tank condition right to achieve colorful sps.
可否請jimchao100告知一下你的1) 缸子的水量2) Zeolite的用量 3)從zeovit reactor出來的流量
如我之前所說的,用Hanna測得PO4=0.02只是一個粗略的指標,而且並不代表你的缸子因此就會有顏色鮮豔的SPS.當缸中的水流弱時在某些區域也許就很容易成為PO4的累積(高PO4).因此,在此情況下,其他地方測得的PO4得讀數就很有可能會造成誤導 .而水中的PO4是含有無機PO4及有機PO4的.
下面引用由benson2006/06/21 10:52pm 發表的內容:
可否請jimchao100告知一下你的1) 缸子的水量2) Zeolite的用量 3)從zeovit reactor出來的流量
[這篇文章最後由jimchao100在 2006/06/28 01:40am 第 5 次編輯]

First of all, thanks for all the seniors' supports and giving me lots of helpful advices.
I have set up my tank since 3/20/2006. Please see below system setup details
Main tank: 4.2' x 2.2 ' x 2.2'
Sump: 3.0’ x 1.5’ x 1.5’
4/3" x 3 outer-flow 1.5" x 1 down-flow
Approximate volume: 500L
Biological filters
semi deep sand bed : thickness 8cm ( living sand from Kang Ting)
living rocks: fill up 40% of main tank
biological balls: fill up in overflow
Active carbon (change 250g/ 2 weeks)
Main Circulations: Resun PG-12000
JNS zeolite reactor w/ Sedra 1000L/hr pump
* change 1.5 L / month
AB 400 Calcium reactor
JNS special made protein skimmer w/Sedra 7000 pump +needle wheel
AP PH meter
AP ORP meter
Acadia 3 series: 250 w x 2 + FL 30 w x 2 w/ stander bulbs (planning to upgrade form FL to T5 54w x 2)
8 hrs hqi 12 hrs FL
Zeovit usage
Start 2: 1cc per/day
Food: 3 days / 5 drops
Back 3 days/ 5 drops
meausurement of data on 6/25
PO4 : 0.06 ( HANNA)

NO3: < 0.01 (Salifert Nitrate Test Kit)
KH: 8 (API Carbonate Hardness test kit)
PH: lighting up 8.25, lighting off 8.15
Cal: 600ppm (outing) (Sera Calcium test kit)
Mg: undetectable
Si: <0.001 (Salifert Si Test Kit)
I would rather to say that Zeovit system is a good and easy setup system instead of a mistery since there are too many people put it into too much business issue. Remember one thing~~~ there's demand, there's supply~~~~this is what i know the basic knowledge of business. Hope my records will help new people. And it is always welcome for all suggestions.
~~thank you all~~~~
to be continued
[這篇文章最後由0589在 2006/06/30 06:20pm 第 1 次編輯]
小弟使用zovit 基本組合 已達到一般標準就是所謂的 po 4: 0.03 左右, 一個月來, 數據也都正常穩定, 放了幾支斷支, 褐色也開始退淡, 水螅體也都開, 再來小弟需要做的是什麼才可以讓珊瑚開始變色ㄋ? 小弟目前手上有 高雄jay 兄上次分購得到的實驗室級胺基酸, 用量如何? 請大大賜教, 謝謝
既然已經使用ZEOVIT KZ 其他幾種滴劑產品也可以考慮使用
zeovit 滴劑名稱, 使用方法及用量為何? 謝謝
Hi Jimchao 100,
1st what you need to do. remove biological balls: fill up in overflow. For this is never an advise to be use in marine tank.
take note that most Active carbon will release p04 thus I advise only go for KZ active carbon which is the best that I find so far. And for the size of your tank. Please use 500ML of KZ carbon and put it in the filter bag and then knot on the bag every day and exchange the active carbon once every 30 days.
Also your current water param is very off the chart.
Please try to do something to your water either by doing a big water change using NSW or go for "best reefer salt"
Cal: 420~460
KH: 6.8~7.4
Mg: 1250~1300
PH: stay around 8 is ok
For zeovit usage:
Please use 1.5L of zeolite (stone)
Start 2: 1ml x 4 per day
Food: 3 drops every other day for the 1st 2 week and then 2 time per week
Back 5 drops every other day for the 1st 2 week and then 2 time per week
Lastly please go and read the zeovit manual to get a better understanding.
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