This is not my fish. But a Redsea Sailfin tang now is going for its 15th year in one of our member's tank. He also have a green hammer for for 14th year. The oldest Acropora is by one of our member, too. Mr. Stuber. The acropora is now in its 22nd anniversary with many many frags all over the world.
My fish are all about 4 years now. I have the following: a pair false percula, a chevron tang, powder blue tang, one blue face angel, one imperator angel, on banghai Cardinal, one yellow tang, one hippo tang, long nose buttelfly, one Redsea Similarvetus butterfly.
The hardest one are the powder blue and the chevron due to poor shipping, cynaid posioning, pron to ich.
The most expensive fish ever kept is the Blue face Angel-$129.99 USD market value but I got it free with seven acropora frags (3 1/2" purple tip with various colorations).
小弟也是非常喜歡女王喔(越小越喜歡)但養了三隻都失敗 T.T
最貴:阿拉伯神仙, 紅海皇帝, 雞心 --> 恰好價格都一樣貴
