我有一fo tank, 原本只有一條一斤重的石班, 水質數據正常 (只有no3高).
近日, 加了一條十兩重之石鯛(港俗名=花金古), 水質數據有異:
tank spec:
tank vol = ~200L
Ehiem Profession 3 filter (run ~5 years, with daz bio-rings and aqua charger)
nh3/nh4 = 0
no2 > 5mg/l
no3 > 50mg/l
... very 吃力
下兩支"蜂皇精" (bio degest)
下20ml tropical science nitromax marine
巳三天, 但no2仍未能回落, 請問大大們可有高見救救小弟和魚兒(the fishes are okay now, but I do very worry).
我有一fo tank, 原本只有一條一斤重的石班, 水質數據正常 (只有no3高).
近日, 加了一條十兩重之石鯛(港俗名=花金古), 水質數據有異:
tank spec:
tank vol = ~200L
Ehiem Profession 3 filter (run ~5 years, with daz bio-rings and aqua charger)
nh3/nh4 = 0
no2 > 5mg/l
no3 > 50mg/l
下兩支"蜂皇精" (bio degest)
下20ml tropical science nitromax marine
巳三天, 但no2仍未能回落, 請問大大們可有高見救救小弟和魚兒(the fishes are okay now, but I do very worry).