下面引用由jo1e9842007/03/01 00:22am 發表的內容:
2 things...
first, i work in the aquarium...and sometimes i DO sugest customer to purchase a "tester" fish...
but normally it will be damsel...cuz they are hardy and cheap...
i never seen ...
Usually, I would suggest molley to be used if the user insist on using live fish for cycling purpose. But normally, either uncured LR or raw shrimp suffice for cycling starter.
BTW, which store you worked for?
給Lion5438大, 在你的水尚未養水結束前, 魚身上的白點將會持續, 因為你的硝化系統仍無法處理過多的氨與亞硝酸鹽. 建議你將於還回去, 或是幾乎每天換水. 不過如果是每天換水的話會延遲硝化系統的建立. 因此如果能幫你的魚找新家是最好的方法.
我在California Fremont市的Aquaticbliss工作~ ^^"
and mostly i suggest use the live rock to cycle to water too...=P
just some ppl want to have some fish first...
