它含有約61~62%的碳酸酯,約37 - 38% 的鈣,約0.75 - 0.85% 鍶, 約0.1% 鎂, <0.01% 鉀

High Purity Calcium Media for Placement in Reef Aquarium Media Reactors


  • High-purity natural mineral that may be employed in traditional calcium reactors, or even
    blended in to pre-existing aquarium substratum, to gradually increase and maintain the
    calcium concentration and alkalinity in marine aquaria.
  • Strong source of calcium, the most abundant cation by percent mass in aragonite, the
    mineral secreted by reef-building organisms to form skeletal material.
  • Through dissolution, provides calcium, magnesium, strontium, potassium, and carbonates.
  • Aids in increasing alkalinity to stabilize pH and encourage rapid biogenic aragonite
  • Optimal average particle size for use in media reactors and calcium reactors.
  • Free of chloride and sulfate.
By weight, CoraLazarus is comprised of ~61 - 62% carbonates, ~37 - 38% calcium, ~0.75 - 0.85% strontium, ~0.1% magnesium, and <0.01% potassium; these percentages may vary between samples. It is collected in a clean environment and does not originate in bivalve-dominated reefs, the aragonite from which tends to be high in phosphate relative to aragonite formed by non-bivalves, in general. There is little magnesium in natural aragonite, and as such it is imperative that magnesium supplementation be employed in reef aquaria utilizing a calcium reactor. Failure to maintain magnesium at a minimal concentration of 1,290 ppm may result in difficulty maintaining the desired calcium concentration in the aquarium. One solution is to employ Brightwell Aquatics NēoMag (~13% magnesium by weight) in conjunction with CoraLazarus. NēoMag may also be used in secondary chambers of calcium reactors to help eliminate free CO2 that has not reacted with CoraLazarus, thereby simultaneously reducing the propensity for pH to exist at a depressed level in the aquarium and increasing the rate of media dissolution, and hence magnesium supplementation.


Sponge Excel


Brightwell Aquatics特別開發海水魚專用飼料,


Free-Form Amino Acid Food Soak for Spongivorous Marine Fishes

  • Complex of free-form amino acids in the same ratios found within tissues of sponges.
  • Utilizes natural attractants and marine-derived proteins to improve feeding response and
    increase protein percentage of fish foods, respectively.
  • Beneficial to all fishes whose diets are in large part composed of sponges, including
    angelfishes, butterflyfishes, Moorish Idols, and their respective allies.
  • Free-form amino acids:
    1. Encourage vibrant coloration.
    2. Provide the building blocks of protein to encourage the formation of new tissue
    3. Encourage new tissue growth to aid in recovery from wounds incurred during aggressive
    encounters with tankmates or during spawning periods.
  • Formulated based upon sponge tissue analysis and marine finfish culture.


Brightwell Aquatics提供您一個簡單又完美比例的單一添加方式:

Reef Building Supplement for Corallin Algae, Corals, Clams, & Other Marine Invertebrates


  • Complete source of the elements and molecules directly used by corals, clams, and other reef-building invertebrates and organisms to create skeletal material and grow.
  • Provides calcium, strontium, magnesium, and potassium in approximately the same ratios in which they occur in aragonite, the mineral that is primarily secreted by reef-building marine organisms under normal environmental conditions.
  • Very strong source of carbonates, also involved in aragonite formation; twice the calcium relative to carbonates compared to natural aragonite.
  • Formulated by a marine scientist.
Instructions and Guidelines

Basic: Dissolve 2 grams (~½ teaspoon) of product per 20 US-gallons of aquarium water in 8-fl. oz. of fresh water; stir immediately prior to use and add every other day to provide important elements to reef-building organisms. May also be added directly to an area of high water flow. When used in this fashion, 400 g treats up to 4,000 US-gallons (15,141.6 L). May temporarily cloud aquarium water after addition, therefore it is recommended that the product be dosed at night.

Advanced: Create a stock solution by dissolving 20 grams (~5 teaspoons) of Elemental in 8-fl. oz. of fresh water (preferably purified); each ml of stock sol’n will increase the calcium concentration (”[Ca2+]”) in 1 US-gallon (3.785 L) of water by 5.1 ppm, alkalinity by 0.213 dKH, strontium by 0.100 ppm, magnesium by 0.015 ppm, and potassium by 0.003 ppm. Stir stock sol’n vigorously immediately prior to addition. If initial [Ca2+] in aquarium is below 412 ppm, add stock sol’n at maximum rate of 10 ml per 20 US-gallons daily until desired [Ca2+] is attained, then dose daily or weekly as needed (see below). Maintain [Ca2+] within a range of +/-10 ppm. Once desired [Ca2+] has been acquired, measure aquarium's [Ca2+] at the same time each day over a one- to two-week period to determine the daily rate of calcium uptake (i.e. the decrease in calcium). To determine daily dosing rate (preferable to weekly dosing): estimate volume of water in entire aquarium system (US-gal.); divide the daily decrease in [Ca2+] by 5.1; multiply this number by volume of water in system to obtain daily ml of stock sol’n required to maintain stable [Ca2+].
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