期待你的實驗 搞天也可以弄個海綿森林缸 應該很有fu


曾到小琉球去採集Spongiidae和Tedaniidae兩種海綿回來飼養, 推測一種是可食用的, 另一種是觀賞性(鮮紅色)的.

以我有限的試驗成果, 和當初看的相關資料, 不同種的海綿對不同型式的食物(不同藻或不同菌)和食物型式(液體, 粉狀, 推測是size大小), 有不同濾食效果, 而反應在成長上, 顯微鏡下觀察, 可觀察到海綿體內的襟細胞(攝食小顆粒)和阿米巴細胞(吞食大顆粒)的不同攝食表現, 先不考慮養分的因素, 這應該是影響到成長的重要因素. 待我到新場子, 告一段落的試驗結果再跟你討論.

大洋 小周

剛剛看到這篇文章, 想說裡面有些資訊對你可能有用, 包括他們分析神仙魚腸胃裡的食物成分比例. 如果你想要研發神仙魚飼料, 這篇可以看看

原文: http://www.eoearth.org/article/Coral_reef_fish_feeding_behavior_in_the_Caribbean

Sponges are the simplest of all invertebrates. Because sponges are low in nutritive value, contain a lot of indigestible material, and are protected by chemical and physical means, they are not a particularly good food source for fishes. Only 11 species of Caribbean fishes regularly eat sponges. Species that feed on sponges have evolved relatively recently suggesting that competition forced them to evolve to eat a less-preferred food source.

Sponges make up the majority, 70 – 95%, of the diet of most angelfishes (Family Pomacanthidae). Angelfishes prefer to feed on the sponges with the lowest content of protective spicules. Sponge-feeding fishes have strong jaws that contain overlapping rows of tightly packed teeth that they use to teach through the tough sponge material. They secrete a thick layer of mucous around the pieces of food to protect their stomachs during digestion.

The larger species of angelfishes are protected from predation because their large size and thin bodies make them a difficult mouthful for predators. They typically feed by following well-used paths through territories that are defended for mating, rather than feeding purposes. Gray Angelfish (Pomacanthus arcuatus) live as mated pairs in large territories. They move and feed slowly, taking 3-4 bites per minute. Sponges make up 70% of their diet with the rest of their diet consisting of gorgonian polyps, other invertebrates, and algae. Although algae make up only 10% of their diet, foraging for algae takes up about a third of their foraging time. French Angelfish (Pomacanthus paru) forage in a similar manner, but they consume less gorgonian polyps and algae. The diet of Queen Angelfish (Holocanthus ciliaris) is made up almost entirely of sponges, 97%, with the balance made up of algae and invertebrates. Rock Beauties (Holocanthus tricolor) also eat mostly sponges, 96% of their diet, although half of their foraging time is spent scraping algae off of rocks.
期待你的實驗 搞天也可以弄個海綿森林缸 應該很有fu

學長, 我會的, 等場地弄好, 已為他們安排好住處了
