

FWS+Booster 價格實在......:em06:
剛讀到一位Zeovit.com魚友為FWS背書,我正在請求他PO些"Before & After"圖來分享。

KZ Flatworm Stop - An absolute Zeovit must!
Although I don't run full Zeo, i.e. Zeolites, I do dose a number of KZ additives.

I must say, by far the most useful, and a must IMO, is FWS, regardless of whether you have AEFW or not.

I have been dosing FWS since it was released and sadly recently I had a small break out of AEFW.

They, however, have not done as much damage as one would normally assume, and all be it with a few lighter patches, my infected corals have retained there colour and continue to grow, even with AEFW.

I also closely monitor the infected corals, and every so often have to blow the AEFW off with a turkey baster, which provides a nice little snack to my fish.

I am certain the resilience shown by my Acropora against AEFW is as a result of dosing FWS (and Coral Booster) daily.

Many thanks Zeo .


這是Joel的回覆 http://www.zeovit.com/forums/showthread.php?p=255843&posted=1#post255843

但奇怪怎麼沒看到底部共肉包覆? 也許拍攝角度問題!?:em06:


倒是在研究FWS和Booster混合滴定量時,發現KZ B-B竟是少有的魚友建議量和瓶上標籤差距頗大,令人好奇。
