

Nice gears.


Good deal.
台灣可代購不外是aquadepot or 中和小郭。若想要自己買,就隨便了,網路價都是一樣的,差別只是哪間可以運到台灣。這就得自己找。大部份都不賣到台灣地區。


+1, 雖然網路價都一樣。但有時候耐心等還是會有10- 20% OFF 的小確幸,如 BLACK FRIDAY 等等...

蠻贊同 OP的結論,大家可以參考一下...

If I was in the market for a light meter that I could take with me anywhere, use on multiple

tanks, fit in small areas, share with friends, and easily pack up to take to the beach or out on

a boat it would be the Apogee MQ510.

If I wanted something that looked good in the tank and purely for tracking a T5 or MH

without need for accuracy and ties in with the Apex and get all the logging with it or alerting

or programming input logic from it then it would be the PMK of course. Its still a viable option

just understand the restrictions /limitations as a light meter.

(取自 )

BTW, 其實 PMK 也不錯用,計劃將來改為全T5時,再讓它上線服役...:em01::em01::em01:
No, 我跟園丁兄都不是屬孔雀的
反正魚缸看多了, 也就是那樣,

老齊, 你要PMK嗎? 反正我的沒在用, 改天我寄過去給你
No, 我跟園丁兄都不是屬孔雀的
反正魚缸看多了, 也就是那樣,

老齊, 你要PMK嗎? 反正我的沒在用, 改天我寄過去給你

我的Af Bio S, -NP 使用計劃就被你擋下的。有個大個遮風擋雨挺不錯的。
