coral101 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 40 2015/12/14 #97 danmhippo 說: My pump is only 600 gal/hr........ Apex 似乎只對大系統的設備開發有興趣....... 按一下展開…… 心有戚戚焉… 老外的魚缸都很大,大概市場考量吧….
danmhippo 說: My pump is only 600 gal/hr........ Apex 似乎只對大系統的設備開發有興趣....... 按一下展開…… 心有戚戚焉… 老外的魚缸都很大,大概市場考量吧….
coral101 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 40 2015/12/14 #98 m8032280 說: 誇張1000gal = = || 真的 ! 這只有10尺缸才有辦法用了 ! 例如 全大 它那個感測器其實工業界滿常用到的 ! 自行做支架 點上即可 ! 只是不知道接線的腳位有無不同 需要研究一下~ 話說我之前四尺骨缸,再長一天要補650ml飽和小蘇打水......... 按一下展開…… deep-sea 說: m8032280兄~ 1000GPH是說它在6呎高度的流量,它的總流量應該是1850GPH約7000L/H,您可能看太快是不是看錯規格了流量7000L很一般用途才對 ?? 按一下展開…… 五,六呎缸應該就可以派上用場了…
m8032280 說: 誇張1000gal = = || 真的 ! 這只有10尺缸才有辦法用了 ! 例如 全大 它那個感測器其實工業界滿常用到的 ! 自行做支架 點上即可 ! 只是不知道接線的腳位有無不同 需要研究一下~ 話說我之前四尺骨缸,再長一天要補650ml飽和小蘇打水......... 按一下展開…… deep-sea 說: m8032280兄~ 1000GPH是說它在6呎高度的流量,它的總流量應該是1850GPH約7000L/H,您可能看太快是不是看錯規格了流量7000L很一般用途才對 ?? 按一下展開…… 五,六呎缸應該就可以派上用場了…
coral101 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 40 2015/12/14 #99 cutefrog 說: 馬達設計很大,滴定桶設計很小⋯ 2L以前的三尺,沒養太多硬骨兩星期就要補一次了, 站上的骨界前輩看來一星期用掉一桶可能還不夠。 以前都安慰自己,現泡的最新鮮 缺點就是常被老婆看到在泡化學藥品, 說泡奶給兒子喝都沒這麼認真。 不過DDR真的是好物, 鐵定會買回去下海的。 按一下展開…… (紅字部分) (藍字部分)小蛙,上岸太久了啦!
cutefrog 說: 馬達設計很大,滴定桶設計很小⋯ 2L以前的三尺,沒養太多硬骨兩星期就要補一次了, 站上的骨界前輩看來一星期用掉一桶可能還不夠。 以前都安慰自己,現泡的最新鮮 缺點就是常被老婆看到在泡化學藥品, 說泡奶給兒子喝都沒這麼認真。 不過DDR真的是好物, 鐵定會買回去下海的。 按一下展開…… (紅字部分) (藍字部分)小蛙,上岸太久了啦!
coral101 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 40 2016/02/07 #102 shih87 說: Apex DoS 北美網站正在全面降價,是否在出清存貨?等下一版囉!? 按一下展開…… From AquaNerd article on the DOS reduction: Neptune Systems spent a considerable amount of time and money developing the DOS system and strong sales on the DOS system have helped them recover the initial engineering and developmental costs so they have decided to make this product easier on your wallet or pocketbook.
shih87 說: Apex DoS 北美網站正在全面降價,是否在出清存貨?等下一版囉!? 按一下展開…… From AquaNerd article on the DOS reduction: Neptune Systems spent a considerable amount of time and money developing the DOS system and strong sales on the DOS system have helped them recover the initial engineering and developmental costs so they have decided to make this product easier on your wallet or pocketbook.
shih87 🏆🏆🏆🏆 金幣 670 2016/02/07 #103 coral101 說: From AquaNerd article on the DOS reduction: Neptune Systems spent a considerable amount of time and money developing the DOS system and strong sales on the DOS system have helped them recover the initial engineering and developmental costs so they have decided to make this product easier on your wallet or pocketbook. 按一下展開…… 哈哈,以上説法.....能信嗎.... 這個比較接近我的想法....and hope is option A....and I will try to get two since price drop and my vocation is approach..
coral101 說: From AquaNerd article on the DOS reduction: Neptune Systems spent a considerable amount of time and money developing the DOS system and strong sales on the DOS system have helped them recover the initial engineering and developmental costs so they have decided to make this product easier on your wallet or pocketbook. 按一下展開…… 哈哈,以上説法.....能信嗎.... 這個比較接近我的想法....and hope is option A....and I will try to get two since price drop and my vocation is approach..
coral101 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 40 2016/02/07 #104 shih87 說: 哈哈,以上説法.....能信嗎.... 這個比較接近我的想法....and hope is option A....and I will try to get two since price drop and my vocation is approach.. 按一下展開…… 呵呵...,信者恆信,不信者恆不信。 Who knows...(except Neptune) Hope you are right and enjoy your new DOS.
shih87 說: 哈哈,以上説法.....能信嗎.... 這個比較接近我的想法....and hope is option A....and I will try to get two since price drop and my vocation is approach.. 按一下展開…… 呵呵...,信者恆信,不信者恆不信。 Who knows...(except Neptune) Hope you are right and enjoy your new DOS.
coral101 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 40 2016/03/13 #105 Tidal program (潮汐模式) Apex 有一個很特別的功能,那就是 Season Table,不知道大家有沒有使用在造浪或燈具上, 來模擬大自然的現象... Here is the link (圖摘自 Ebb and Flood: The Science of Tides)
Tidal program (潮汐模式) Apex 有一個很特別的功能,那就是 Season Table,不知道大家有沒有使用在造浪或燈具上, 來模擬大自然的現象... Here is the link (圖摘自 Ebb and Flood: The Science of Tides)
coral101 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 40 2016/03/14 #108 FYR...Tidal program (潮汐模式) (Vortech) (Tunze) (Jeabo wp40)
FYR...Tidal program (潮汐模式) (Vortech) (Tunze) (Jeabo wp40)