
老闆介紹的 這種產品 裡面包含 硝化菌嗎?
搞不清楚..所以請教一下各先進...我是還需要買 硝化菌菌種 還是 這產品裡面已經有硝化菌了?
How it works:
Bactozym has a unique two-way action which removes harmful waste and speeds up filter maturation. It stimulates the decomposition of uneaten fish food using naturally occurring enzymes, and it creates ideal conditions for the rapid development of filter bacteria. This helps to avoid the accumulation of harmful pollutants during the early stages of setting up your aquarium. Bactozym can also be used to reestablish filters that have been damaged.
How to Use:
Add Bactozym to all new filters, and after cleaning established filters. For new aquariums, add 2 capsules per 100 litres (22 gallons) of aquarium water, placing the capsules directly into the filter. Repeat every 7 days. After cleaning the filter, add 1 capsule per 100 litres (22 gallons) of aquarium water.
Product information:
Bactozym works to accelerate the development, or "maturation", of friendly bacteria within aquarium filters. This helps to prevent New Tank Syndrome, which commonly occurs in aquariums with new filters, or when the filter has been damaged. In new aquariums, the use of Bactozym allows the first fish to be added after 24 hrs.
因為裡面有寫 新設缸可以加 兩顆...每過一個禮拜重複一次..
跟加硝化菌的週期方式都一樣...且內容也沒寫到要配合 硝化菌加入 ..
而老闆又這麼說.... 所以有點搞不清楚.....請各位先進幫忙解答一下...^^"
