1.Restores water's reactivity
2.Reduces water changes
3.Boosts skimming & filtration
4.Disrupts disease bacteria
5.Increases dissolved Oxygen
6.Stabilizes pH and ORP
7.Enhances nitrifying bacteria
Far Infrared technology is a bioceramic material originally developed by NASA which emits a specific spectrum of photon wavelength beneficial to proper cellular processes.
哪位大大知道什麼是"Far Infrared technology"? 有點給他好奇
看了一個小時ReefCentral的激烈討論, 結論是此物就如同超音波防蚊器一般無效, 連製造商本身都無法提出有效的科學數據來證明它的產品 (例如Skimmate量的增加, ORP的確實改善的公正實驗室資料等), 也沒有詳細的說明它如何運作, 下面節錄的一篇post 應該可給大家一些參考.

1) It neutralizes ammonia. Is your ammonia detectable? If not (and it shouldn't be) you can't really test this. However, you could get some water with detectable ammonia, pour it through one end, and then see if you have less coming out the other end.
2) It increases ORP and DO. Simple; check those levels before you put on the unit. Check them again after it's on. I'd check at various intervals, such as a few hours after, a day or two after, a week after, etc.
3) Boosts the immune system and reduces disease. Are your fish ill? If not, this will be hard to prove. Are they sick, and they get better? You'll have a difficult time proving that this is the reason for it.
4) Water clarity is maintained. Another one that's fairly easy to check. Get a light meter, stick it at the bottom of the tank before you put on the unit. Then start checking again afterwards, always in the same spot. If this works quickly to clear the water, your readings should improve. If it doesn't work quickly, your results will be more difficult to interpret given bulb degradation, etc; that's probably what the company will argue happens.
Of course, with all of these you have to very rigorously maintain your previous maintenance schedule. That will be the most difficult thing. If you're running tests like this, you'll be much more aware of what's going on in the tank, so you'll be more likely to pick up on things you wouldn't have normally noticed. I've found that this usually leads to people fiddling around more, which skews the results.
I commend you for your openness and willingness to give this a shot. That said, I'm skeptical. The problem here is that it's going to be difficult/impossible to quantify most of their claims. The other problem is that even if it does do those quantifiable things, there's still no evidence that it does the others.
Much like the Marc Weiss products and Sano, it promises to make things better, without stating what is meant by that. The proponents (the makers and supporters) of Sano made many of the same claims of their product. I wonder if there's anyone on any of the boards still using it.
There's no way that I can afford to try every new maricle product that comes out. If there's not some kind of scientific backing, or something that I can easily check for myself, I'm not about to start throwing it into my tank. In my old tank, I used B-Ionic. ESV claimed that it would increase my calcium. I checked my calcium levels before I used it. I checked them after. There was a definite increase with the product. Back before I knew better, I tried Coral Vital; it made no claims that I could check for, only that it would make things better; fish healthier, corals growing faster, less algae growth, etc (sound familiar). I noticed no change in the tank while using it, so I didn't buy another bottle. I noticed on change after I stopped using it. I'm not about to spend $85 on a panacea (placebo? )
遠紅外線是否需要電? 根據FAQ所說,
"ECO-Aqualizer does not need electricity to operate. "
對於光觸媒至少還需要 UV光源(要電的)
前幾年大家不是都有見到賣一種遠紅外線的慮水器 ? 我想可能是類似那種東西, 至於於有沒有科學根據. 對方都一直說什麼太空的. 現在奈米的還不是一堆騙人的. 我也搞不清處. 不過去日本逛的時候 ,.他們蠻流行這類的東西.也應用在養魚上. 還有賣海水魚用的遠紅外線火山岩. 以及一種細細的遠紅外線岩粉. 北部幾個養 sps 的曾經買來用過. 到底有沒有效 , 我不知道
