若是造景石很大, 用黏的風險性還是很高, 石頭與玻璃是異材, 黏接面又是垂直,
會不斷的挑戰地心引力, 若是珊瑚養得很好不斷造礁, 那黏接面要承受的壓力也會不斷加重,
萬一哪天真的不幸掉下來, 那玻璃是會有破裂的風險的!
你可以參考一下 R2R 這篇或選每月一缸的作法~
R2R Username: @Bacon505 Build Thread: Bacon’s 160g peninsula build Introduction: Greeting Reefers! My name is Leo, and I'm from New Mexico. I'm very humbled and honored to have my tank featured for R2R Reef of The Month. When I first started the hobby, I spend lots of time looking at all...