[這篇文章最後由kenkuo在 2007/05/29 08:45pm 第 1 次編輯]
1. Tank Water Volume (in gallons)主缸ㄉ水量(加侖)
2. Sump Water Volume (in gallons)底缸ㄉ水量(加侖)
3. Actual current water temperature of your tank (in degrees Fahrenheit)你ㄉ缸子當下ㄉ水溫(華式溫度)
4. Desired temperature of your tank (in degrees Fahrenheit)你所期望ㄉ溫度(華式)
5. Heat given off by Lighting (in watts) 燈光所產生ㄉ熱源
Check if your lighting system / canopy fan is cooled for excess heat removal
(checking the box will divide your number in half)
6. Heat given off by Return Pump(s) (in watts) 底缸ㄉ幫浦馬達大小
7. Heat given off by Powerhead(s) 其他動力幫浦馬達ㄉ熱源