各位大大 , 我把Custom Aquatic 的信件轉載于下 ,
這一個團購事件先跟大家說抱歉了 , 由於AB USA 的不供貨 , 造成我們無法取得料件 , 而有寫信去原廠問過 , 寫了兩封都沒有人理 , 可能是沒寫德文他不願意回吧 .^ ^...
美國Custom Aquatic 也打過了四次電話 , 通信多封...然而毫無進展 .
故要跟大家抱歉了...實在是沒有辦法幫大家這個忙 , 而各位大大留給我的資訊 , 我並不會外漏 , 請大家放心 .
p.s. 據我所知 , 有可以在美國零售購得數量少的needle wheel , 且都是AB 供的貨 , 這點應該是她們為了保護自己的其他產品線而不願意提供這個關鍵要件外賣吧 .
Still no idea no whether or not we will ever get the needle wheels. Every
time we ask Aqua Medic they keep telling us the same thing. You might want
to call them yourself and see what is going on, for I myself have no idea.
Their phone number is 1-866-419-0086. I would also suggest speaking with Aqua
Medic in Germay direct, becuase this has been going on for over 7 months now,
and still no answer from Aqua Medic USA. Please let me know if you have any
more questions.
John Cadena
Custom Aquatic