[這篇文章最後由danmhippo在 2007/02/02 09:52am 第 1 次編輯]
市場上針對消化菌的研究以專門賣這種產品的 "Fritz" 做的最多.
文章來源: http://www.bioconlabs.com/nitribactfacts.html
市場上針對消化菌的研究以專門賣這種產品的 "Fritz" 做的最多.
Nitrifying bacteria are photosensitive, especially to blue and ultraviolet light. After they have colonized a surface this light poses no problem. During the first 3 or 4 days many of the cells may be suspended in the water column. Specialized bulbs in reef aquaria that emit UV or near UV light should remain off during this time. Regular aquarium lighting has no appreciable negative effect.
因此除非是藍光很強, 或是開紫外線燈, 否則一般水族用燈對消化菌沒有可察覺的影響. 所以Tower 大所說的如果是針對養水前三四天的浮游期的話, 是對的. 但是之後就百無禁忌了.硝化菌對紫外線或是接近紫外線的光敏感, 但是當它們移植到物體表面時就沒關係了. 主要有影響的是當前3~4天還處於水中浮游狀態的時段. 水族特別會放射UV或是接近UV的燈在此三四天的時間應該要關掉. 但是一般的水族用燈管則無明顯的差別
文章來源: http://www.bioconlabs.com/nitribactfacts.html