J jackcpc 🔰 金幣 0 2002/10/24 #18 [這個帖子最後由jackcpc在 2002/10/24 11:53pm 編輯] 我的缸子好像是NO2 NO3一起升.......?? 待會兩個再一起測好了.
A Andrew 訪客 2002/10/29 #21 設缸時有加ab的乾燥硝化菌, 一個禮拜後又加一次, This is the reason. 有需要再加嘛? No, let the time take its course. 我的缸子好像是NO2 NO3一起升.......?? Yap, it is because you add the freeze dried bacteria. 昨天刷缸壁, 發現葡萄藻被褐藻蓋住了, 會不會有問題啊? yes, it will suffocate.
設缸時有加ab的乾燥硝化菌, 一個禮拜後又加一次, This is the reason. 有需要再加嘛? No, let the time take its course. 我的缸子好像是NO2 NO3一起升.......?? Yap, it is because you add the freeze dried bacteria. 昨天刷缸壁, 發現葡萄藻被褐藻蓋住了, 會不會有問題啊? yes, it will suffocate.