To AC兄: 謝謝鼓勵,讓你等很久很久了.....
To spp919: 還沒到量產的階段,現在定太早了啦!不過也謝謝你的鼓勵。
To wesleylee: 再加199mV有個先決條件,就是書上所說的300~450mV範圍是以標準氫電極(standard hydrogen electrode)來參考測量的,但這點我還無法證實。
dear mark i want make a ph contorller and a orp controller too..
i have a few question.
can u give me the ph sense part circuit to me ar?
can u tell me the mcu part ph sense data map ar?
my email is or
many many thx
i know the LM 6001 circuit
but i have some question.
i can find ph 4.0,7.0 and 10.0
but other ph value i dont have so how is the data map find? only by calc.?