[這篇文章最後由baboo在 2004/11/02 01:36am 第 1 次編輯]
厚沙系統沒有辦法養出sps原本該有的亮麗顏色, 幾乎所有的資深RC sps飼養者已都認同, 且也改換別的方式.
以下是位RC的網友的缸子 (已經本人同意貼圖在這裡)
缸子只有總水量 230 公升
150W DE 兩盞
1隻 96W PL 藍燈
Rowa-Phos Reactor (貼圖後補)
沙層5 公分 (如果重來一次, 他會改2 公分或裸缸)
所以說, 燈光沒有一定要250W 才養的出色
"When we (Americans) see a nice coral. The first thing anyone says is "wow, what kind of light are you using?" when it should be more like " Wow, what is your maintance schedule and water parameters" I have a couple of pieces that came form 400 waters that have better color in my tank. "
厚沙系統沒有辦法養出sps原本該有的亮麗顏色, 幾乎所有的資深RC sps飼養者已都認同, 且也改換別的方式.
以下是位RC的網友的缸子 (已經本人同意貼圖在這裡)
缸子只有總水量 230 公升
150W DE 兩盞
1隻 96W PL 藍燈
Rowa-Phos Reactor (貼圖後補)
沙層5 公分 (如果重來一次, 他會改2 公分或裸缸)
所以說, 燈光沒有一定要250W 才養的出色
"When we (Americans) see a nice coral. The first thing anyone says is "wow, what kind of light are you using?" when it should be more like " Wow, what is your maintance schedule and water parameters" I have a couple of pieces that came form 400 waters that have better color in my tank. "