
NBL 潘朵拉菌、希瓦氏菌、Goretos高爾多斯系列飼料、Lucia 露西亞珊瑚飼料
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Environ Sci Technol. 2008 Nov 1;42(21):8070-5.
Removal of ammonia by OH radical in aqueous phase.
Huang L1, Li L, Dong W, Liu Y, Hou H.

Many advanced oxidation technologies have been developed to remove ammonia in wastewater. All these technologies have one common characteristic, that is, the removal processes involve OH radical (*OH). In this research work, H2O2 was selected as *OH precursor. The removal of ammonia under 253.7 nm irradiation from low-pressure mercury lamp in the presence of H2O2 was studied to investigate the ammonia removal efficiency by *OH. Results show that the *OH, generated by H2O2 photolysis, could oxidize NH3 to NO2- and further to NO3-. Removal efficiencies of ammonia were low and were affected by initial pH value and ammonia concentration. Laser flash photolysis technique with transient absorption spectra of nanosecond was used to investigate the oxidation pathway and kinetics of ammonia oxidation by *OH. Results illustrate that *OH could oxidize NH3 to form *NH2 with a second-order rate constant of (1.0 +/- 0.1) x 10(8) M(-1) s(-1) (20 degrees C). *NH2, the main product of *OH with NH3, would further react with H2O2 to yield *NHOH. Since *NHOH could not stay stable in solution, it would rapidly convert to NH2O2- and consequently NO2- and NO3-. The rate constants for these elementary reactions were also given. The low removal efficiency of ammonia by *OH was mainly due to the slow reaction rate constant
Many advanced oxidation technologies have been developed to remove ammonia in wastewater. All these technologies have one common characteristic, that is, the removal processes involve OH radical (*OH). In this research work, H2O2 was selected as *OH precursor. The removal of ammonia under 253.7 nm irradiation from low-pressure mercury lamp in the presence of H2O2 was studied to investigate the ammonia removal efficiency by *OH. Results show that the *OH, generated by H2O2 photolysis, could oxidize NH3 to NO2- and further to NO3-. Removal efficiencies of ammonia were low and were affected by initial pH value and ammonia concentration. Laser flash photolysis technique with transient absorption spectra of nanosecond was used to investigate the oxidation pathway and kinetics of ammonia oxidation by *OH. Results illustrate that *OH could oxidize NH3 to form *NH2 with a second-order rate constant of (1.0 +/- 0.1) x 10(8) M(-1) s(-1) (20 degrees C). *NH2, the main product of *OH with NH3, would further react with H2O2 to yield *NHOH. Since *NHOH could not stay stable in solution, it would rapidly convert to NH2O2- and consequently NO2- and NO3-. The rate constants for these elementary reactions were also given. The low removal efficiency of ammonia by *OH was mainly due to the slow reaction rate constant


I haven't used it, but I have just watched the associated YouTube video by the manufacturer. The claim is that the filter uses a catalyst, which coverts all harmful nitrogen compounds (ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate) into gaseous nitrogen (N2). If true, N2 would leave the tank as gas, and enter the air. N2 makes up 80% of the air anyhow, which means it is a completely harmless and odorless gas. An ideal solution!

I haven't used it, but I have just watched the associated YouTube video by the manufacturer. The claim is that the filter uses a catalyst, which coverts all harmful nitrogen compounds (ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate) into gaseous nitrogen (N2). If true, N2 would leave the tank as gas, and enter the air. N2 makes up 80% of the air anyhow, which means it is a completely harmless and odorless gas. An ideal solution!
我第一天剛裝艾洁--二代淨水器時蛋白機泡泡變粗快速往下掉,我也有使用cs豆豆桶在翻滾豆豆,蛋白本來泡泡很綿密很正常在推髒水(蛋白是jns co1)泡泡忽然快速一直往下掉,整個很奇怪,過了第三天泡泡有越來越正常的現象但還沒完全正常,還在觀察中。

都很便宜想要下手才發現...吃220v的.....:em19: 殘念...........




這原理就是利用陰極的石墨還原成過氧化氫,過氧化氫再與陽極鐵電極溶出的亞鐵離子形成氫氧自由基,這個過程又稱"芬頓試劑",不懂的人可以用這個關鍵字查所有的研究文獻看這到底能不能降硝酸鹽磷酸鹽,根本不可能嘛~很多廠商都很愛用這種"偽科學"來行詐騙之實= =
無知的我,就是明知可能是gimmick產品,還是會神推鬼擁地按下購買這個button :em19:
昨天已經安裝在沙缸,只測了測No3(大概25-30),就讓它行兩三天會怎樣。God Bless




這個是光觸媒二氧化鈦經紫外線激發成氫氧基,又稱UV TiO2光芬頓法,這個成本比艾潔淨水器高多了,因為還要加紫外線燈管,但艾潔淨水器不是利用光觸媒原理唷~是用電生成芬頓(Fenton)試劑原理,一般的芬頓試劑只要過氧化氫加上二價亞鐵離子就能產生氫氧基,這台淨水器的陰極是石墨(碳的同素異構物),通電流後產生過氧化氫,陽極是可溶性鐵....產生二價亞鐵離子....




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