clown fish disease

專業魚缸搬運、移缸服務 冷水機安裝/清洗/維修


I have discovered a disease (only found in certain clown fish spp). The only observable symptom is that every now and then, the fish will spiral (in a tight vertical cycle) in an uncontrolled manner (this appears to happen more often when it is frightened). The disease does not seem to be very contagious. The fish may die within a day but most survive indefinitely for up to weeks without feeding. The fish becomes inactive and rest or even lay on tank bottom, sometimes on its side. The entire fish body surface appears intact and healthy. The disease does not respond to treatment against bacterial infection or protozoan infection. Anyone has any idea? Sorry, I can';t type chinese yet but I am working on it though.
Dear Jeremy, thanks for the advice but I can assure you the disease has nothing to do with DO or the toxicity of NO2 or even NH3. I have monitored these. From the batch of 100 clown (Clarkii Clown), so far 6 suffer the diesease (1 shortly after arrival (in quarantine tank) and the rest at different time within a period of 6 weeks) and 3 still survive, isolated from the rest of the batch.
If no one has discovered the disease or named it, I would name it as "Spiral to Death Disease Syndrone", Just kidding! But sadly, this appeared to be the case.
I would assume that this is related to poisoning or toxic effects of pollutants (such as NO2 or NH3) but all other fishes (more than 20 spp including angels, groupers, damsels, sand perch, pseudo-chromis, blennies, gobies, and even tomato clowns, percula clowns and saddle-back clown(A. polymnus)) in the 4000L system remain unaffected by the disease and water quality has been reasonably good.
[這篇文章最後由danmhippo在 2007/08/23 04:22pm 第 1 次編輯]

I have discovered a disease (only found in certain clown fish spp). The only observable symptom is that every now and then, the fish will spiral (in a tight vertical cycle) in an uncontrolled manner (this appears to happen more often when it is frightened). The disease does not seem to be very contagious. The fish may die within a day but most survive indefinitely for up to weeks without feeding. The fish becomes inactive and rest or even lay on tank bottom, sometimes on its side. The entire fish body surface appears intact and healthy. The disease does not respond to treatment against bacterial infection or protozoan infection. Anyone has any idea? Sorry, I can';t type chinese yet but I am working on it though.
我發現一種病 (只發生在某些小丑魚品種). 唯一可見的症狀是, 有些時候, 魚會一直無法自主控制的打轉, 而且是上下轉 (也常發生在魚受驚的時候). 此病在魚之間似乎不太互傳. 魚可在一日內死亡, 但也有可能拖上幾個禮拜完全不進食. 魚會無力的在缸底休息, 有時會側一邊躺. 魚體表無傷痕且看起來健康. 此病對bacterial 跟 protozoan感染的治療無反應.
請問有沒有其他意見可提供? 對不起, 我無法中打.
Dear Jeremy, thanks for the advice but I can assure you the disease has nothing to do with DO or the toxicity of NO2 or even NH3. I have monitored these. From the batch of 100 clown (Clarkii Clown), so far 6 suffer the diesease (1 shortly after arrival (in quarantine tank) and the rest at different time within a period of 6 weeks) and 3 still survive, isolated from the rest of the batch.
If no one has discovered the disease or named it, I would name it as "Spiral to Death Disease Syndrone", Just kidding! But sadly, this appeared to be the case.
I would assume that this is related to poisoning or toxic effects of pollutants (such as NO2 or NH3) but all other fishes (more than 20 spp including angels, groupers, damsels, sand perch, pseudo-chromis, blennies, gobies, and even tomato clowns, percula clowns and saddle-back clown(A. polymnus)) in the 4000L system remain unaffected by the disease and water quality has been reasonably good.

赤子, 謝謝您的建議, 但是我可以確認此病跟溶氧或亞硝酸或氨沒有關聯. 這些我一直都有在監測. 其中一批約100隻小丑裡 (克氏小丑), 有6隻有此病. (六隻裡, 一隻運抵後隨即死在隔離缸, 其餘五隻在6個禮拜內陸續死亡)
如果還未有人發現此病, 我可能會稱做 “Spiral to Death Disease Syndrone” (轉圈致死症候群). 冷到了. 但不幸的, 這也是事實.
我猜這可能跟某種毒性或汙染有關 (例如NO2或是NH3). 但是在同一套4000公升系統裡的其他20多種魚種則沒有類似症狀, 並且水質也持續保持著.

-=-=-=- 以下內容由 danmhippo2007年08月23日 04:21pm 時新增 -=-=-=-
那些魚種各位就自己去看了, 我對魚的台灣俗名也不甚了..........
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