中譯 Andrew 的"如何判斷 skimmer 是否夠用"

中譯 Andrew 的"如何判斷 skimmer 是否夠用"

scmmy 說:
淋漓盡致排除有毒物質,才是根本。 "
I think this is the part I can not understand , and probably I will disagree with . I think most people will install their skimmer withn the 3rd (or last) compartment of the sump, this is the compartment after your mechinical and biological filter media, so what happen? .... The biological filer media still working hard to breakdown the "organic waste " (which consist of debris and fecet from the main tank), but most of the waste will not be decomposed and breaked , soome of the waste remain in the artificial filter media, waiting for the biological breakdown. Day after day, the waste accumulate and finally you have to wake up early in some day of Sunday morning, remove ALLthe filter media to wash and clean it, what a hell !!
I personally install my new ASF100 skimmer in my first compartemnt of the sump, as Andrew stated, this is the way we use a "strong enough" powerful skimmer to remove all the waste produced in the main tank before they actually enter my iological filter. The denitrifing bacteria within my sump will just say" thank you , my boss" to me, because I will let them working easily and happy!! You will not need to clean and wash the biological media anyway, the magic bullet is just a larger than you expect powerful skimmer in your sump.
God bless those fish and coral live in a tank with small skimmer!!
中譯 Andrew 的"如何判斷 skimmer 是否夠用"

I hope I can redesign my tank as yours. God bless my fishes and coral.
中譯 Andrew 的"如何判斷 skimmer 是否夠用"

KHU, Art, and others:
From the photos taken by LTY during the FL Marine conference, some alert hobbyists did raised the good point about the way we set up our tank in the State. In the sump, we usually only have the skimmer, Ca reactor, heater, UV sterilizer. Very rarely have I seen hobbysits in the States today still use biologic filter. Mechanical wise, carbon only. Skimmer in this case became the primary filter component, then the rock and sand. As you all recall, I posted article about how to set up a successful reef tank by stressing the importance of good rock, deep sand bed and skimmer. When you have good quality live rock, a deep sand bed of 4" or more and an efficient skimmer, you are providing enough filtering components that can almost handle the maximium thrashhold of your tank capacity. Even if you are aiming to keep high demanding animals (SPS for example). In a successful set up like the one I proposed, biological filter became a nitrate factory producing and traping the organic nutrients as KHU stated, waiting to be breakdown which we all know, nitrate this end product in this case, cannot be removed.
Again, planning ahead, simplified your set up is the best way in my opinion to maintain a successful reef tank. Thank you all for your kind remarks and criticisims.
PS, I still have not set up my skimmer yet because I purchased the wrong size hose for the water intake. Darn..... I will install it tomorrow. Can't waite to see how this baby rocks... LOL!!!
中譯 Andrew 的"如何判斷 skimmer 是否夠用"

to Andrew
Thank you for your prompt comment about the biological filtration issue in a tank setup.
I think it is a world trend to use good quality live sand or rock to create a nature habitant and biological filtration system as you guys stress in many discussions on the board. In a Berlin system, skimmer ecome the primary mechanical removal of the debris from tank, avoiding the nitrate generated from our traditional biological filtration ( ex. tracking all), it is a nitrate factory .
For a FO tank keeper like me, biological filtration is still important part because people will keep on buying a number of "beyond the limit " beautiful , larger fishes. I personally collect more than 10 angle fish in my bare bottom tank, without the deep sand bed or live rock to keep nitrate as low as possible we expect, thus I have a tracking ball system along with large quantity of coral sand in my sump, I use a MACRO new type skimmer and two smaller air driven skimmer to reduce the working pressure of my sump filter. If I am a Berlin keeper ,I will just left my sump empty except a super large skimmer and UV!!
Thanks all you guys to discuss this issue and comment on this board.
中譯 Andrew 的"如何判斷 skimmer 是否夠用"

Just one more recommendation for your set up. You said: I use a MACRO new type skimmer and two smaller air driven skimmer to reduce the working pressure of my sump filter.
You made the same mistake I did. In your case actually, you have these skimmer working against each other rather than working together. Each skimmer will try to work as hard as possible but they all interfere with the performance of each other. So actually they are all not working at their best. Perhaps you should do what I just did- save enough $$$ to buy one that can help you the most, LOL!!! Take care and good night. It is now 1:30 AM in NY. Time to sleep lah!!! Nice chatting with you all!!!!!
中譯 Andrew 的"如何判斷 skimmer 是否夠用"

Just go to bed and don't let your wife cry, you can read my post tomorrow!! ha ha ha!!
Oh, i don't know two or three skimmer will interfere each other !! thanks for tell me this, I will remove the small skimmer and just let the big guy working hard.
I have calculated my tank size and consider the appropriate skimmer size, I think the new skimmer from Macro is so far good enough to keep my baby tank
Thank you anyway.
中譯 Andrew 的"如何判斷 skimmer 是否夠用"

To Andrew and KHU:
I have some questions about the skimmer :
What is the exact mechanism of the skimmer filtering ? ^.^
I have wondered for a long time that what kind of waste can be filteted by skimmer.
Can ions such as phosphate, nitrate, nitrite or something...be removed by skimmer ?

Thanks ! ^^
PS: I am a beginner. I hope I can learn much from you guys...aloha. :em27:
中譯 Andrew 的"如何判斷 skimmer 是否夠用"

I would like to briefly tell you how skimmer functions. Basically, it is very simple. Fine air bubbles trap fine particles within the water. The massive rising air lifts them up to a waste collection chamber. This enables the particles been removed before the bacteria get the chance to break them down into other harmful waste products. This answers your second question. Can skimmer remove nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate? Yes, because most of the particles are removed before the bacteria could get a chance to convert them into nitrite, nitrate and phosphate, therefore, the amount of wastes have been reduced.
Again, I answered your questions vaguely but did state the principle functionality of the skimmer and how it works. I will let others help you as well because not everyone understand what we wrote here and I hope everyone can be benefited by the answer, thank you.
中譯 Andrew 的"如何判斷 skimmer 是否夠用"

Dear DavidLiang
As andrew stated, waste can be removed before there were decomposed in the tank, so ion, phosphate , nitrate , nitrite can be " prevented" , instead of been " removed" by a efficient skimmer.
Hope this answer your question
中譯 Andrew 的"如何判斷 skimmer 是否夠用"

謝謝翻譯 真是好文章 辛苦了
中譯 Andrew 的"如何判斷 skimmer 是否夠用"

中譯 Andrew 的"如何判斷 skimmer 是否夠用"

太好的文章了 請容許小弟轉貼收藏在自己的blog中
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