ETSS Report

  • 主題發起人 Andrew
  • 開始日期
  • 關注者 0


Dear all:
All I can tell you all is that so far, the ETSS 800 kicks a**. If you read my prior post, I purposely tune down the pump for my Turbofolotor 1000 so green diatom algae could proliferate. Before I install the ETSS 800, the front, back and both sides of the tank glass were covered with green diatom. I also fed the fish more than I used to (not out of control). This enhanced the nutrient level within my tank. This is the current water parameter. Calcium is at 450 ppm; Kh is at 12.9 ppm and nitrate is at 45 ppm. I do not test pH. The tank was set up at 10/2001
The tank is a 120 gallon glass tank includes 1 Imperator (8”), 1 blue face (7”), 1 yellow tang (6”), 1 powder blue tang (4.5”), 1 Chevron tang (5”), a pair false percula, 1 bangahi cardinal (3.5”), 1 hippo tang (3”), 1 long nose butterfly (5”), and finally 1 red sea semilavertus butterfly (4”). Fishes were transported from the old tank and were in the old tank from 3 to 4.5 years. I have three serpent stars, 1 tiger tail cucumber (need more, I think I need at least 4), about 90 astrea snails and about 170 red scarlet and blue leg hermit crabs.
Corals I have about 18 pieces of various LPS and mostly SPS. I have a fragment of pulsing Xenia. This is the current live- stock. I have about 5.5” of package live sand mixed with the old sand taken from my old reef tank. I have about 75 pounds of Marshall Island, Fiji and Indo live rocks.
When installing the skimmer this morning, I first disturb the sump water and let all the detritus cloud the water. I then plug in the Dolphin pump. The pump is 1200G @ 0 ft. The 1.5 “ hose connecting the pump to the skimmer inlet is measure at 1.6 ft. That means the pump is pumping 19.25g/m that is 1158g/h. But as the formula stated, I should take the pump volume at 4 ft which is @ 18 g/m. That gives a total of 1080g/h. The total tank water is 124 gallon and this skimmer gives me more than 8X the total turn over rate.
After I plug in the pump, I continue to stir the sump water with a power head pointing toward the bottom of the sump to stir the detritus. During this time, the main return pump to the display is disconnected. I was trying to see how well this skimmer would be break- in by all this particles within my sump water. Boy, within ten minutes, I see the yellowish and brownish skunk foam coming out of the neck. This skimmer sure uses a lot of air though and the foam it produces is UNBELIVABLE!!!!
The waste collection cup is connected to a 2.5 gallon disposed spring water container. At first the skimmer foam would collapse and I can’t see to find out about the problem. After struggling for 30 minutes, I realized that spring water container needs to be drilled and allow the waste hose’s air to exit the hole created to ensure smooth airflow of the whole skimmer. Again, as stated before, the downdraft skimmer drains a lot of air when operated. After the hole was drill, the foam return and the skimmer continued to spit of dark brown sooth kind of waste. After 35 minutes, the sump water was clear and I again, tried to stir the water but can’t seem to avail. At this point, I plug in the main return pump and the tank is back to normal. I took out the carbon and will replace it tonight with a new batch just to play safe.
I will test my water next week and will report the result back to you guys as I would like again prove my theory that an efficient skimmer is definitely worth the investment, OK????
[這個帖子最後由KHU在 2002/02/03 10:56am 編輯]

I can feel you are very exciting now for the new skimmer newly installed . My Godness ! you have a 8X turn over rate !! it is a terrible sucker for all detritus in your tank!!
There is still no local distributor of ETSS in Taiwan, since I have a business trip to US this summer, I am considering take a new ETSS from somewhere LA aquastore.
Congraduration for you have a wonderful new skimmer in the new year, can't wait to see your new tank photo and skimmer. Do U have a digital camera?
體積小, 效率高, 處理量大
下次換大缸時, 一定去抱一個回來
就算請美國的友人轉寄, 也合算
Andrew, how about the noise?
Nop, but this will be my next investment.
To Arthur:
Forget about sending the skimmer, your friend will kill you. This ETSS 800 is packed in a box that is 4.5 ft Land 3 ft W. LOL!!!
You can use the 3/4" hose up to 3 ft to eliminate the noise totally.
Currently I am very happy with this skimmer. The water is sparklingly clear. However, I have ich outbreak with the fish. It is common due to changing water parameter (good or bad) and I am feeding them with vitamin C food supplement enhanced frozen food. Tomorrow, I will go buy some spirulina. This food usually works great for eridicating ich especially on the Tangs.
I will test the water next week, OK???
[這個帖子最後由art在 2002/02/04 05:46pm 編輯]

wow, it's huge. It will be a problem for hand carry too.
How about the ETSS 500? Any comment about it? Compare to Euro-Reef CS6-3 or 8-1?
To andrew:
I do use Vitamin C and Grape seed extract (OPC) to enhance my fish immunity for resistant to outbreak of ich, as to Spirulina, I recommend use powder form and mix it with egg , waiting for drying to make perfect food for Tangs. , I also add Japanese noni ( kelp?) to haelp them cleaning intestine .
Hi, 大花臉,
這次 Andrew 兄主要是介紹他缸子的狀況及那支 skimmer 初次工作的情形
總之, 那支 skimmer 很強
等下次 Andrew 有測試結果時, 我再整理摘譯
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