
  • 主題發起人 AndrewLou
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有關天然海水和海水素的爭論沒完沒了, 小弟也不想淌這趟混水. 不過在美國, 除了沿海的幾個城市外, 是買不到天然海水的, 只能用海水素.
在美國, 最值得信賴的海水素品牌前三名依序是: Instant Ocean, Reef Crystals, Kent; 其價格由低至高則是: Instant Ocean, Kent, Reef Crystals. 這世上難得有兩全其美的事, 所以大家幾乎一面倒的用 Instant Ocean. 不知台灣情況為何?
[這個帖子最後由AndrewLou在 2002/01/07 03:43pm 編輯]

Hi Daniel兄,
信賴度和價格是無關的. 只因有少部份人說Reef Crystals和壞水藻有關, 不過大部份人說無關. 有傳聞說Reef Crystals會降價, 不知到時候, 暢銷度排行榜會不會有變.
PS.美國海水素品牌眾多, Reef Crystals信賴度排第二, 算是很好了, 不能說不被信賴.
養硬珊瑚,kent的Ca和其buffer的濃度比較高,比較適合,不過錢比較貴,一般來說instant ocean,比例與天然海水相近,用來養硬珊瑚的話,要定時加鈣,不過比較便宜,考慮價錢和實用性,我是會選擇instant ocean
請問國內買的到instant ocean 嗎? 是不是有中文名稱?
我也是用紅海的, 也只用過紅海.....^.^
Reef Crystals 和 Kent 的 鈣和微量元素是比較高, 可是我們平時也得自己補充, 何必要多花錢? 自己加還比較好控制, 可隨心所欲!
Perhaps on the West Coast the popularity of name brand salt is different. However, in East Coast, we still preferred Tropic Marine, made in Germany. Reef Crystals is also popular, and then would be Coral Life. I hardly ever know any one using Kent.
However, a brief research done by our members indicated no dramatic differences among them. The reason why we preferred Tropic Marine is because of its long lasting reputation, and its effort on marine life propagation. The price has dropped dramatically as well in comparison with five years ago.
Hi Andrew,
The information I collected comes from many different voting websites, chatrooms and personal websites. But the results are pretty consistent. I believe WWW.GARF.ORG may give Instant Ocean a big promotion on the internet. That's why most internet users like to use it. I can understand why different local fish club may get different results.
我用的是一箱三包 750 元. 開缸兩個月來覺得蠻好的.
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