
  • 主題發起人 AndrewLou
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我也不知道! 透明塑膠袋外帶白色紙盒.
to minnow, 這就是 instant ocean, 你一定有看過
Hi, Andrew:
I'm not sure which sites you're referring to. However, I know many sites (reef.org,etc,)has Garf bashing corner as Leroy and Sally Jo is really not as popular as many people think. The bullet- proof tank is merely an advertisement. However, positive feedback do came in for their propagated corals.
Why is our local club came in with different results?? I think it is mostly because some of the hard core members made the bad influence on us, like Tyree, Scheumer, etc. They usually like to go against the odds and refuse to become the victim of massive marketing and adverting efforts of the national brand. We are also very conscious about the effort of the environmental protection efforts made by these manufacturers.
In my case, that is not too good as I work in the advertising field. LOL!
Hi Andrew,
You seem asked your own questions. Perhaps your local club has too many members from Germany. LOL! I won’t setup my tank as the bullet-proof tank from GARF. But they do have lots of useful information. I can’t recall where I get my conclusion. I've been so many websites. I maybe wrong for the 2nd & 3rd brand names, but Instant Ocean seem always the No.1 choice. Here’s one of the voting result sites. http://saltaquarium.about.com/gi/pages/poll.htm?poll_id=882371500&linkback=http://saltaquarium.about.com/library/blank/blpollsalt.htm
Also from FINS: TheFishInformationService - Reefkeeper’s FAQ
Q: Which Salt Mix is best?
A: Instant Ocean works for many. Reef Crystal has had reported problems. Tropic Marin recommended by some. Coralife dissolves fast, can sometimes be found cheap, but is suspected of having higher borate concentrations than natural seawater.
Hi Andrew,
If you use Internet Explorer, you can go to www.msn.com
Find "Windows Update" under "MSN Links & Resources" section
Follow the procedure, you can download "Traditional Chinese Input Method" for Free
Thanx for the info. I know about the MSN, the only problem is that if I write in Chinese, I wouldn't know how to express many terms in Chinese. Don't get me wrong, my Chinese is very good (LTY knows, LOL), it is just the writing...
Again, thanx.
咦! 這不是紅小丑嗎? NT$ 400.00 for a bag.
這個三包只要750. 這麼便宜. 那下次要用這個了...
請注意! 這種海水素適用於新缸或是你有養水缸.
因為裡面的化學結晶溶解的速度很慢. 怕會傷了軟體.
不要說我沒提醒你們哦! 哈哈````````````````````
我都會泡一桶起來. 應該是可以讓他完全溶解吧~
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