用zeovit 的sps的大老們請賜教, 謝謝(後來自己摸~做紀錄看看會不會倒)

KHG KH全自動監視控制器
台灣總代理 海洋夢水族館
[這篇文章最後由jimchao100在 2006/09/17 06:14pm 第 1 次編輯]

昨天整天終於把 兩支 NARVA T5 54Wx2 改上去了, 補足原本阿卡迪亞 FL 30x2 藍燈的不足, 尤其在使用 BLV 14000K 時總感覺太黃, 之前曾經使用 Phoneix, 又覺得太藍了, 現在整體感覺呈現白色, 符合自己要求的視覺效果, 改裝後雖然沒辦法將所有線路隱藏, 但是基本上完裝整體上還算 ok.參考看看~

Annie, this changing doesn't really help corals appear their original colors. I am doing that is only for my idea sight feeling~ However, it do effect the reflaction of corals. Base on my observation ,the yellow color shows up and the green becomes more neon.
By the way, instead of ROWA media, i am doing a test of putting 320g JBL PhosEX ultra mdeia to reduce the PO4 since the po4 has been rised to 0.06 (past 2 weeks was 0.04). Hope this helps~
to be continued
9/20 重裝上陣~等了一個月好難等~~但是所有的等待都是值得的~
哇! 等好久喔, 終於等到了
Couldn't forget the disappointment... when the holders reached your hands without the TS24 kit...
Once saw them being put together this morning, really felt like crying! Ha!
Hope the water babies love them and grow happier.
ROWA & JBL PhosEX ultra... interesting products. Couldn't seem to find JBL articles in English.
Just wondering how effective are they comparing to Zeovit. Hum...
show time~~但顏色實在太醜了~只能用藍燈 > <
[這篇文章最後由Paradise471在 2006/09/27 05:18pm 第 1 次編輯]

So exciting!
藍得很美, 白光更可愛
Water babies are so happy in the tank, surfing the waves...
[這篇文章最後由jimchao100在 2006/10/04 10:14pm 第 2 次編輯]

po 兩張開始變色的成果~~這兩個是最早進入我缸子內的, 大約在七月份進的, 原本是完全深色的brown, 請站上的大大幫我看看, 若以這兩張觀察還需做什麼調整, 謝謝
另補充~~原本感覺變色很緩慢, 自從更換蛋白與加上造流, 水螅體更開, 並於每天關登後半小時內餵食 Gro Tech VitAmino 1ml 那顆較大的珊瑚前端紫色更加明顯~


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