I sold most of my fishes recently..... and exchange for orange and bandit....
after almost 1 years of FO experience I think orange and bandit are the best fishes
for FO to me .. ( I still think bandit is hard to keep.....I am prepared that bandit will
die soon )..most of hawaii fishes are hard to keep.....except the black tang
I do not know why.. but my black tang is strong like hell......may be stronger than the
gold fish.... if you are interested to get a black tang... should buy from me ...
it is the toughest fish that I have ever seen
orange is my ultimate marine fish already.... I love it.. specially when you see its color
under my own designed blue LED light.

My tank is 70% re-engineered already.... except the protein skimmer... I still prefer west germany skimmer.... but I just can not spend that much of money in this tank now..
Yes.. like Master huang.. I am planning for new bigger tank.... give me few more month

I want germany glass for my tank too !!!!!