H hellmaker 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 0 2009/10/15 #25 pineapple42 說: It must be a very high class aquarium store,I should visit it next time during I am in Taipei. 按一下展開…… that store is selling cheap fish..... I think that 5 feet tank is only for boss's enojoyment ( 3 clarion in the same tank.... Orz )
pineapple42 說: It must be a very high class aquarium store,I should visit it next time during I am in Taipei. 按一下展開…… that store is selling cheap fish..... I think that 5 feet tank is only for boss's enojoyment ( 3 clarion in the same tank.... Orz )
sskn 🏆🏅🏅🏅 金幣 6 2009/10/17 #29 hellmaker 說: 3Q.. but my tank's ORP is not good..>_< 按一下展開…… That is reference.
H hellmaker 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 0 2009/10/18 #30 3Q.....I know..but still feel not so good >_< I will to use O3 ...a little bit...I hope it will not kill my fish...
3Q.....I know..but still feel not so good >_< I will to use O3 ...a little bit...I hope it will not kill my fish...
D dexontwo 🏅🏅🏅 金幣 0 2009/10/20 #32 How come everyone communicates with English? Congratulation for you to own the beautiful halfmoon.
H hellmaker 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 0 2009/10/20 #33 thanks... I hope to get a couple more of halfmoons I want to do the " terror management" in my tank ^_^
thanks... I hope to get a couple more of halfmoons I want to do the " terror management" in my tank ^_^
W wesleyng 🔰 金幣 0 2009/10/20 #34 if really wants to experience "terror management", get one asfur, sure fight ~
H hellmaker 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 0 2009/10/20 #35 >_< I know.. but I do not like aspur... ( mat be white aspur ^_^, but white aspur is hard to get )
H hellmaker 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 0 2009/10/22 #36 I am using Tim 's Photoes ( from the fliker , he is a great underwater photographer)....very very nice townsend fish The best that i have seen so far, hope to get one like this from Taiwan.
I am using Tim 's Photoes ( from the fliker , he is a great underwater photographer)....very very nice townsend fish The best that i have seen so far, hope to get one like this from Taiwan.