oxfordscw 🏆🏆🏆🏆 金幣 53 2009/11/09 #97 hellmaker 說: Main tank. 按一下展開…… 為何有種感覺.... 是石頭太大..還是魚太小呢?? 喔~ 我知道了 是缸子太小了.....擴缸吧 hellmaker 說: 按一下展開…… 這隻是被修理過了嗎??
hellmaker 說: Main tank. 按一下展開…… 為何有種感覺.... 是石頭太大..還是魚太小呢?? 喔~ 我知道了 是缸子太小了.....擴缸吧 hellmaker 說: 按一下展開…… 這隻是被修理過了嗎??
H hellmaker 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 0 2009/11/09 #98 Halfmoon 被修理過 ? no ah... why you said so ? there are some water on the glass when I take the photoes..so did you see the white spots... there are water on the glass. I know I need a better camera...but... $$$... ( i prefer to use it to buy fishes ).. Tank too small ? NO NO you are wrong... IT is TOO TOO TOO SMALL... I am planning on 5 feet tank for 2010...... ( waiting for the right timing to get the permission from my wife....) I just have this 3 feet tank for 6 months ONLY... I need to do something to this tank first or make some excuse 1. LIKE breaking the tank..and accusing that it is my daughter..... 2. oh may be my dog broke it..
Halfmoon 被修理過 ? no ah... why you said so ? there are some water on the glass when I take the photoes..so did you see the white spots... there are water on the glass. I know I need a better camera...but... $$$... ( i prefer to use it to buy fishes ).. Tank too small ? NO NO you are wrong... IT is TOO TOO TOO SMALL... I am planning on 5 feet tank for 2010...... ( waiting for the right timing to get the permission from my wife....) I just have this 3 feet tank for 6 months ONLY... I need to do something to this tank first or make some excuse 1. LIKE breaking the tank..and accusing that it is my daughter..... 2. oh may be my dog broke it..
oxfordscw 🏆🏆🏆🏆 金幣 53 2009/11/09 #99 hellmaker 說: 按一下展開…… 這是你的狗嗎?? 很可愛!! 我很確定你可以拿她當作擴缸的藉口 期待你明年的5尺新缸啦 這紅圈內也是水珠嗎??............
H hellmaker 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 0 2009/11/09 #100 oxfordscw 說: 這是你的狗嗎?? http://img687.imageshack.us/i/36682781.gif/ Yes... always shit on the kitchen and bite the sofa... I just got my electricity bill NTD$6500 for 2 months... my wife said SHOULD BE $4000 because of my tank ...so $6500......( OS : 5feet tank will cost more ... ) 這紅圈內也是水珠嗎??............ 按一下展開…… YES.. they are 水珠
oxfordscw 說: 這是你的狗嗎?? http://img687.imageshack.us/i/36682781.gif/ Yes... always shit on the kitchen and bite the sofa... I just got my electricity bill NTD$6500 for 2 months... my wife said SHOULD BE $4000 because of my tank ...so $6500......( OS : 5feet tank will cost more ... ) 這紅圈內也是水珠嗎??............ 按一下展開…… YES.. they are 水珠
H hellmaker 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 0 2009/11/09 #102 sapi918 說: 這是個相當精彩的FOT 期待持續更新~ 按一下展開…… Sapi918...... YOu are the GOD... and you are BACK ???!!!!!
S sapi918 🏆🏆🏆🏅 金幣 40 2009/11/09 #103 hellmaker 說: Sapi918...... YOu are the GOD... and you are BACK ???!!!!! 按一下展開…… hellmaker 你好嘍 小弟一直都有在關心大夥的缸 FOT以後大家要一起加油 !!
hellmaker 說: Sapi918...... YOu are the GOD... and you are BACK ???!!!!! 按一下展開…… hellmaker 你好嘍 小弟一直都有在關心大夥的缸 FOT以後大家要一起加油 !!
H hellmaker 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 0 2009/11/09 #105 sapi918 說: hellmaker 你好嘍 小弟一直都有在關心大夥的缸 FOT以後大家要一起加油 !! 按一下展開…… after I saw your FOT 6 months ago.... I gave up my lousy 90 gallon LPS tank to become FOT
sapi918 說: hellmaker 你好嘍 小弟一直都有在關心大夥的缸 FOT以後大家要一起加油 !! 按一下展開…… after I saw your FOT 6 months ago.... I gave up my lousy 90 gallon LPS tank to become FOT
H hellmaker 🏅🏅🔰 金幣 0 2009/11/09 #106 oxfordscw 說: 大哥... 我只能說... 你該換相機了... 按一下展開…… teacher shih : ... 該換 a lot things not just camera 1. tank 2. camera 3. wife 4. body 5. car. 6. house. Only keep 1. daughter 2. fish 3. may be dog
oxfordscw 說: 大哥... 我只能說... 你該換相機了... 按一下展開…… teacher shih : ... 該換 a lot things not just camera 1. tank 2. camera 3. wife 4. body 5. car. 6. house. Only keep 1. daughter 2. fish 3. may be dog
oxfordscw 🏆🏆🏆🏆 金幣 53 2009/11/09 #107 hellmaker 說: teacher shih : ... 該換 a lot things not just camera 1. tank 2. camera 3. wife 4. body 5. car. 6. house. Only keep 1. daughter 2. fish 3. may be dog 按一下展開…… 小朋友放學回來了 我要上班了.... 晚點再回答... 3Q
hellmaker 說: teacher shih : ... 該換 a lot things not just camera 1. tank 2. camera 3. wife 4. body 5. car. 6. house. Only keep 1. daughter 2. fish 3. may be dog 按一下展開…… 小朋友放學回來了 我要上班了.... 晚點再回答... 3Q
S sapi918 🏆🏆🏆🏅 金幣 40 2009/11/09 #108 hellmaker 說: after I saw your FOT 6 months ago.... I gave up my lousy 90 gallon LPS tank to become FOT 按一下展開…… 看來小弟造業深重... 既然中毒了 那麼就一起擴缸吧~
hellmaker 說: after I saw your FOT 6 months ago.... I gave up my lousy 90 gallon LPS tank to become FOT 按一下展開…… 看來小弟造業深重... 既然中毒了 那麼就一起擴缸吧~