
稻草人兄 弟看您設缸日期為2/14 請問您有經過養水期嗎? 有測過NO2從爆紅變成0嗎? 如果沒有的話 您到了疾病區看了文章之後之後 才知道自己沒有先做好功課 恐怕白點還是會一直循環而已 好了又中 中了又好 建議您先把水質固穩一點 及各項基本數據都正常範圍 在考慮進魚 另外倒吊類是很容易長白點的魚隻喔 系統未健全前 最好不要貿然再進容易長白點的魚 可先從雀鯛類開始嘗試 免的交互傳染 傷亡更重 您的作法有...
1.抓出來治療 利用治療缸 不過主缸還是有病源 就算治好之後回去難保再度中獎
2.不管他 讓她靠自身抵抗力痊癒
3.主缸下藥 下多少量 請先爬文 但是這缸以後沒辦法養軟體 走FO路線
4.再設一個治療缸 但是同要要經過養水期(硝化系統的建立)
我自己是選2 參考看看就好
[這篇文章最後由m555apple在 2007/02/28 09:03pm 第 1 次編輯]

用甲基籃 就很好用 每天泡個30分 會自然痊癒的 因為我試了很多次
拜託 老闆的話 聽聽就好 不能全信阿 ( 板上廣告優質老闆除外)
我在魚街也遇過 老闆說 不用養水 水清了就可以放軟體 放魚 XD
[這篇文章最後由jo1e984在 2007/03/01 00:26am 第 1 次編輯]

2 things...
first, i work in the aquarium...and sometimes i DO sugest customer to purchase a "tester" fish...
but normally it will be damsel...cuz they are hardy and cheap...
i never seen anyone use tang for water testing...thats too crazy man!!!
you can try to return the fish to the store...however i really doubt that is workable, or bring it to some ph 8.4-mate's fish tank....
then buy a cheapest damsel...all you have to consider is about how to get the damsel out of the water after you got your water cycled...not too many ppl like damsels...
second, if you are using the fish-only tank, no inverbrate or corals will be add in the future, you can put in some cupper-base coin in the tank, like 3~4...
it helps, since you are not too furmiliar to the medications, i suggest you do not use the medicals unless you really have no choice. too many ppl kill the fish because they use the medicine in wrong way/ wrong amount.
anywayz, good luck on your fish!!
ps. sorry i have to type these bullshit in english...i am still at school and the computer does not provide the chinese key-in function.
下面引用由lion54382007/03/01 09:03am 發表的內容:
倒吊類的都比較容易生白點, 尤其是藍倒吊和粉藍倒吊, 我的藍倒吊
缸入缸的時候也有白點, 但是一個禮拜我都沒管他, 慢慢就好了, 但這
需要在低營養鹽的環境下, 還有他要會吃, 現在偶而也會冒白點, 但我
都沒管過他, 隔天又自己消失了, 所以lion5438大要先確認水質, 如果水
質不佳的話即使你治好這次, 也難擔保不會有下次, 所以小弟比較建議
治療根本, 有就是治療水質, 魚也就會跟著好ㄡ!!
