
AC=Activated Carbon, or Alternating Current
AF=Aquarium Frontiers, an electronic magazine
AFM=Aquarium Fish Monthly, magazine
ALK=Alkalinity, measure of buffering capacity of water
BOD=Biological oxygen demand
CaCl2=Calcium chloride
CaCO3=Calcium carbonate
Ca(OH)2=Calcium hydroxide
CC=Counter current(when referring to skimmers)
CC also = Crushed Coral(especially here on these forums)
CO2=Carbon dioxide
CTA=Cellulose triacetate, type of RO membrane
DD=Downdraft, type of protein skimmer
DI=Deionisation, type of water purification
DIY=Do it yourself
dKH=Degrees of carbonate hardness, measure of alkalinity
DO=Dissolved oxygen
DOC=Dissolved organic compound
DSB=Deep sand bed
FAMA=Freshwater and Marine Aquaria, magazine
FO=Fish only, type of marine aquarium
FOWLR=Fish only with Live Rock, type of reef aquarium
GAC=Granular Activated Carbon
GBR=Great Barrier Reef
GMTA=Great minds think alike
GPH=Gallons per hour
HCO3=Hydrogen carbonate
HO=High output fluorescent light
IME=In my experience
IMEO=In my expert opinion
IMHO=In my humble/honest opinion
IMNSHO=In my not so humble/honest opinion
IMO=In my opinion
IR=Infrared, type of light with longer wavelength than visible light
IRC=Internet relay chat
ISP=Internet service provider
KALK=Kalkwasser, German for calcium hydroxide solution or limewater
KI=Potassium iodide
LFS=Local fish store
LHS=Local hardware store
LPH=Litres per hour
LPS=Large polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
LR=Live rock
LS=Live Sand
MACNA=Marine Aquaria Conference of North America, held annually
MASNA=Marine Aquarium Society of North America
MEQ/L=Milli-equivalents per litre, measure of alkalinity
MG/L=Milligrams per litre
MH=Metal halide, lighting
MO=Mail order
NaCO3=Sodium carbonate
NaOH=Sodium hydroxide
NNR=Natural nitrate reduction, reef setup technique
NO=Normal output fluorescent light
NSW=Natural seawater
OBTW=Oh by the way
ORP=Oxidative redox potential
PC=Power compact, high intensity fluorescent light
pH=Measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions, equal to -log[H+], (7 acidic, =7 neutral,)7 basic
PH=Powerhead, water circulator
PPM=Parts per million, equivalent to mg/l (milligrams per litre)
PS@=Playstation 2
PVC=Poly vinyl chloride, used for piping/plumbing
RAMR=Usenet newsgroup rec.aquaria.marine.reefs
RO=Reverse osmosis, type of water purification
RO/DI=Reverse osmosis, followed by deionisation, type of water purification
ROFL=Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLOL=Rolling on the floor laughing out loud
ROTFL=Rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLMAO=Rolling on the floor laughing my *** off
RTN=Rapid tissue necrosis
RUGF=Reverse flow undergravel filter
SG=Specific gravity
SHO=Super high output fluorescent light, equivalent to power compact fluorescent
SiO2=Silicon dioxide
SITD=Still in the dark
SO=Significant other
SPS=Small polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral
TDS= Total Dissolved Solids
TFC=Thin film composite, type of RO membrane
UGF=Under gravel filter
UV=Ultra violet, type of light, shorter
wavelength than visible light
VBG=Very Big Grin
VHO=Very high output fluorescent light
AC=Activated Carbon(活性碳), or Alternating Current (水流)
AF=Aquarium Frontiers, an electronic magazine (水族先驅,一種電子雜誌)
AFM=Aquarium Fish Monthly, magazine (月刊名)
ALK=Alkalinity, measure of buffering capacity of water (鹼性,度量水的緩衝能力)
BOD=Biological oxygen demand (生物需氧量)
Ca=Calcium (鈣)
CaCl2=Calcium chloride (氯化鈣)
CaCO3=Calcium carbonate (碳酸鈣)
Ca(OH)2=Calcium hydroxide (氫氧化鈣)
CC=Counter current(when referring to skimmers) (反向水流(用在蛋白除沫器時))
CC also = Crushed Coral(especially here on these forums) (碎珊瑚)
Cl=Chlorine (氯)
CO2=Carbon dioxide
CTA=Cellulose triacetate, type of RO membrane (三醋酸纖維素, 一種逆滲透膜)
Cu=Copper (銅)
CYANO=Cyanobacteria (cyano=氰基, bacteria=細菌) (合在一起偶就莫宰羊了)
DD=Downdraft, type of protein skimmer (一種水流從上往下的蛋白器)
DI=Deionisation, type of water purification (一種水純化劑)
DIY=Do it yourself (就是DIY啦)
dKH=Degrees of carbonate hardness, measure of alkalinity (碳酸根硬度)
DO=Dissolved oxygen (溶氧)
DOC=Dissolved organic compound (溶態有機物)
DSB=Deep sand bed (深砂床)
FAMA=Freshwater and Marine Aquaria, magazine (月刊名)
Fe=Iron (鐵)
FO=Fish only, type of marine aquarium (FO缸,只養魚的缸)
FOWLR=Fish only with Live Rock, type of reef aquarium (FO加活石缸,只養魚但置入活石的缸)
FW=Freshwater (淡水)
GAC=Granular Activated Carbon (粒狀活性碳)
GAL=Gallon (加侖)
GBR=Great Barrier Reef (大堡礁)
GMTA=Great minds think alike (英雄所見略同)
GPH=Gallons per hour (加侖/小時)
HCO3=Hydrogen carbonate (碳酸氫根)
HO=High output fluorescent light (高輸出FL燈(螢光燈))
I=Iodide (碘)
I2=Iodine 碘分子
IME=In my experience (以我經驗而言.....)
IMEO=In my expert opinion (就我專家的角度來看.....)
IMHO=In my humble/honest opinion (小弟愚見(直言)......)
IMNSHO=In my not so humble/honest opinion (就我不太謙虛的說...)
IMO=In my opinion (以我來看....)
IO3=Iodate (碘酸鹽)
IR=Infrared, type of light with longer wavelength than visible light 紅外線
IRC=Internet relay chat 線上交談
ISP=Internet service provider
KALK=Kalkwasser, German for calcium hydroxide solution or limewater 鈣水,氫氧化鈣溶液(德文)
KI=Potassium iodide 碘化鉀
LFS=Local fish store 區域魚店
LHS=Local hardware store 區域硬體器材店
LPH=Litres per hour 公升/小時
LPS=Large polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral 大水螅體珊瑚
LR=Live rock 活石
LS=Live Sand 活砂
LT=Litre 公升
MACNA=Marine Aquaria Conference of North America, held annually 每年舉辦的北美海水水族會議
MASNA=Marine Aquarium Society of North America 北美海水水族協會
MEQ/L=Milli-equivalents per litre, measure of alkalinity 毫當量/公升 (鹼度單位)
Mg=Magnesium 鎂
MG/L=Milligrams per litre 毫克/公升
MH=Metal halide, lighting 金屬鹵素燈
MO=Mail order 郵購
Na=Sodium 鈉
NaCO3=Sodium carbonate 碳酸鈉
NaOH=Sodium hydroxide 氫氧化鈉
NH3=Ammonia 氨
NH4=Ammonium 銨 (氨鹽基)
NNR=Natural nitrate reduction, reef setup technique 自然硝酸盬消除法
NO=Normal output fluorescent light 一般輸出螢光燈
NO2=NitrIte 亞硝酸盬
NO3=NitrAte 硝酸盬
NSW=Natural seawater 天然海水
O2=Oxygen 氧
OBTW=Oh by the way 哦!順便一提.....
ORP=Oxidative redox potential 氧化還原電位
PC=Power compact, high intensity fluorescent light 高強度螢光燈
pH=Measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions, equal to -log[H+], (7 acidic, =7 neutral,)7 basic
PH=Powerhead, water circulator 沉水馬達
PLS/PLZ=Please 請
PO4=Phosphate 磷酸盬
PPM=Parts per million, equivalent to mg/l (milligrams per litre) (百萬分之一=ppm=mg/L)
PSX=Playstation (PS)
PS@=Playstation 2 (PS2)
PVC=Poly vinyl chloride, used for piping/plumbing (PVC)
RAMR=Usenet newsgroup rec.aquaria.marine.reefs (海水水族的newsgroup名)
RO=Reverse osmosis, type of water purification (RO, 逆滲透)
RO/DI=Reverse osmosis, followed by deionisation, type of water purification (逆滲透+去離子)
ROFL=Rolling on the floor laughing (捧腹大笑)
ROFLOL=Rolling on the floor laughing out loud (捧腹大大大笑)
ROTFL=Rolling on the floor laughing (捧腹大笑)
ROTFLMAO=Rolling on the floor laughing my *** off (捧腹大笑...笑到脫肛)
RTN=Rapid tissue necrosis (快速組織壞死)
RUGF=Reverse flow undergravel filter (底砂過濾水逆流)
SAL=Salinity (鹽度)
SG=Specific gravity (比重)
SHO=Super high output fluorescent light, equivalent to power compact fluorescent (超級HOFL, 相當PC燈)
Si=Silicon (矽)
SiO2=Silicon dioxide (二氧化矽)
SITD=Still in the dark (仍是黑夜,仍不明朗)
SO=Significant other (其他各位大大)
SPS=Small polyped Scleractinian (stoney) coral 小水螅體珊瑚
Sr=Strontium 鍶
SW=Saltwater/seawater 海水
TDS= Total Dissolved Solids 完全溶解固體
TFC=Thin film composite, type of RO membrane 薄層合成物,一種RO用膜
UGF=Under gravel filter 底質過濾
UV=Ultra violet, type of light, shorter 紫外光
wavelength than visible light
VBG=Very Big Grin 粉大的微笑
VHO=Very high output fluorescent light 高輸出螢光燈
W=Watts 瓦特
CYANO=Cyanobacteria (cyano=氰基, bacteria=細菌) (合在一起偶就莫宰羊了)
看來jeff和 mwhsu 都喜歡上國外網站, 我因為以前住在加州, 所以對這些洋人洋語多少還有些印象, 現在還經常上他們的聊天室聊天, 不過這些用與在日常生活中就很少用了
fish only with life rock
shrimp only with life rock
