2008/05/06 回覆: 46 [這篇文章最後由eddykuo在 2008/05/29 05:46am 第 2 次編輯] https://P30.fish.to/upload/JPG30/DSC_0308.JPG[/img [img]https://P30.fish.to/upload/JPG30/DSC_0306.JPG 按一下展開……
[這篇文章最後由eddykuo在 2008/05/29 05:46am 第 2 次編輯] https://P30.fish.to/upload/JPG30/DSC_0308.JPG[/img [img]https://P30.fish.to/upload/JPG30/DSC_0306.JPG
E emperor 🔰 金幣 0 2008/05/06 #15 幫樓主PO上魚缸影片連結! http://vlog.xuite.net/vlog/guest/basic.php?media_id=ZFlOc0U0LTEwNDgxNjguZmx2
E eddykuo 🔰 金幣 0 2008/05/07 #20 國王太兇到處亂K魚, 一直咬耳斑, 想把它撈出來切生魚片....... 若撈不到, 我會找他幫忙處理..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A5BalSXGtI
S SeanYang 🔰 金幣 0 2008/05/07 #23 Dear Eddy, Nice tankand and fish! I want to be a happy fish man tonight! Looking forward to seeing more pixs Sean: 88*50*60
Dear Eddy, Nice tankand and fish! I want to be a happy fish man tonight! Looking forward to seeing more pixs Sean: 88*50*60