消除(但願是永久性的)魚缸裡的綠絲藻,汽泡藻, 草皮狀藻和紅泥藻最簡單+最低成本的方法

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無論你缸裡有什麼,一個合適的algae scrubber都是夠用的!
但是活石像塊海綿,吸引了大量的磷酸鹽,所以當你開始使用scrubber 的時候,scrubber會把活石中的磷酸鹽吸收出來,活石表面也會因此長滿水藻,這段時間可長達6個月,我們自己的缸就用了六個月才轉好。但是當活石裡的磷酸鹽全被吸收了以後,你就再也不用擔心了。 :)

Some success stories of people using waterfall algae scrubbers on different sites:

Aydee on the scrubber site: "I'm going to call this a success. My nitrates had been sitting steady at about 10 or so for over a year. For it to drop to undetectable in 2 weeks.. THAT is impressive. I have got my skimmer running still, but once my ATS is running, I'll turn off the skimmer (not remove.. Yet....) If situation remains excellent as the trend currently is, I'll remove the skimmer. However, I came into ATS thinking "It can't hurt, as I'll keep my skimmer running" and now I'm thinking "WOAH! They're right!".
Obviously, the proof will be in 2 years time, ATS sans skimmer.. But.. So far, the numbers are fantastic."

Robert_Patterso on the RC site: "Best thing I have ever put on any of my tanks in over 25 years of being in the hobby"

Pskelton on the RC site: "I personally have not done a water change in 6 months ever since I implemented my scrubber. long story short my tank was a mess, kid dumped container of food in tank. I got a snow flake eel that dug up my sand bed and I was running a very under powered cheep skimmer. This lead to my nitrates peeking at 160. I did water changes for a while but the nitrate just keep coming back up to 160. The water changes were getting expensive and I was about to give up when I tried the scrubber. Within a few weeks nitrate dropped to 60 and slowly came down from there. As of my test last week I am finally at 0 nitrate and I haven't done a water change in six months. The protean skimmer has been removed and my tank is healthier than ever. I am just waiting for the algae on my rocks to finish dieing off."

Murph on the scrubber site: "my ATS is coming along fine. I think I spent about 30 bucks making it. When I compare that to the thousand or more I have spent on skimmers over the past ten years or so that made little to no difference when it came to nuisance algae in the display I want to pull my hair out. My ATS has out done them all in a matter of a few months."

Spotter on the RC site: "Nitrate Day 1: 5ppm, Week 1: 0ppm, Week 2: 0ppm. P04 Day 1: .035,
Week 1: .015, Week 2: .0092 I am liking this very much."

JohnnyB_in_SD on the RC site: "I feed about 6-7 cubes a day on a 100gl tank, and 10-12 cubes two days a week when I do the nems & corals too. N&P have been undetectable since I started using ATS, which is a mickey mouse rubber maid tub version. Since I am always looking for the easiest way to do everything, I will continue cleaning the whole screen once a week. For me, it was a real struggle maintaining water quality with just a fuge: starving my fish, super skimming, massive weekly water changes - just to keep Nitrates near 20ppm and Phosphate under 1.0. That all went away with an ATS, the hobby is much more enjoyable and not a huge chore."

Thedude657 on the scrubber site: "So my screen finally filled out with greenish algae. Water quality is excellent and now I have all sorts of cool things growing on my live rock. Little white sponges are popping up everywhere, some stuff I have no clue what it is yet. Just wanted to say thanks to help me get started."

Chrisfraser05 on the RC site: "I just wanted to jump in and say after bumping into Santamonica on a forum a while back and also watching Lafishguys videos I started a marine tank [8 months ago]. Obviously I started my first tank with a DIY algae scrubber and have NEVER seen either nitrate or phosphate."

Redneckgearhead on the scrubber site: "Heres the pics of my HA problem. [algea all over]These where taken just before I added my scrubber. I had tried EVERYTHING nothing helped. I paid a small fortune for a skimmer that I was told would surely take care of the problem. The HA laughed and kept on growing. My lights where down to 3 hours a day, my fish where only fed a small amount every two to three days, I was doing 10 percent water changes twice a week. And keep in mind those picks are only about 3 days growth, I would remove about 80 percent of the HA during my water changes. These are pics I took today just before my weekly water change. [almost no algae] I am feeding daily, my fish are now fat and happy. My scrubber is working beautifully! I am so glad I found out about scrubbers. I am still using my skimmer, but I may take it off line as soon as all the HA is gone. From the looks of things that shouldn't be much longer."

Fragglerocks on the RC site: "Ive gotten rid of 95% of all "bad" algae in the DT and my P04 Level is 0.12 checked by Hanna meter. Nitrates - Zero. I feed the equivalent of 2 frozen cubes per day, along with pellets whenever I think about it. up to 2 times per day."

Scrubit on the scrubber site: "have been running a scrubber-only 90gal tank for over a year now with great success. [...] I was ready to buy a big ol skimmer for my new tank build when I came across some of the info SM had posted. That was all it took, and I've never looked back. NEVER had algae in DT, NEVER had readable nitrates/phos after cycle, and have probably changed out maybe 40gal of water since setup. Personally I find running a scrubber almost as fun as the tank itself!"

Psyops on the RC site: "I had a DSB and chaeto fuge. When I added a ATS, the chaeto disappeared. I don't know if the DSB is doing anything. I feed my fish and tank from 1-2 times daily depending on my schedule. The ATS is doing really well, especially when I added a Calcium reactor 3 months ago. I did not believe some of the stuff people were saying on how effective an ATS system could be, but they were mostly correct."

JohnnyBinSD on the RC site: "I finally got around to putting an ATS on my tank 3 weeks ago. Just harvested a pile of algae off it tonight. In those 3 weeks I have doubled the amount of daily food I put in the tank, run the skimmer 6 hours/day instead of 24/7, and removed the lighting from the chaeto in the old fuge. Nitrates & phosphates are undetectable, algae in the display tank is almost nonexistent, fish are fat & happy. An ATS is the cheapest & most effective thing I've ever done to improve water quality. I wish I had built one sooner."

Kcmopar on the MFT site: "Its been about 5 weeks (started the weekend before fathers day) or so and the green hair algae has stopped growing in my 40G. Yeah!!! Its all receding, maybe just a few percent left at the base of a couple rocks that my coral beauty snacks on. Just amazing. Started this 40G salt from Jump with an ATS. IT NEVER CYCLED!!! I have little pods, tiny feather dusters, and other critters thriving like crazy. Coraline already starting to spread across the tank. Nutrients are always zero to just barely detectable on both the 10g and 40g. Also a note on the 40G, I never had to do a water change yet!!! No test results ever got past barely detectable. I have been dabbling with an ATS on a 10 gallon Freshwater as well. Same results so far. I am building a bigger one for my 150G FW in a few weeks."

Reeftanker on the MFUK site: "i have cleaned it about 8/10 times now, about 50-90 grams of algae each time and i have just tsted my tank i have on my test kits; Phosphates = clear that means undetectable levels on my test kit, Nitrates = 1ppm maybe 2ppm, what more do i have to say im am chuffed to bits and over the moon"

Etan on the MFUK site: "Just to share some of my results with my scrubber. I set up my new tank at beginning of Jan(Rio 400). The only filtration I have on the tank is a scrubber and about 50kg of live rock. After the tank had cycled my nitrates peaked at about 25ppm about 2 weeks ago. There were only 2 clowns and 2 chromis in tank and small cuc. Just tested today after all stock and cuc from old tank have been in there for about 1 week and nitrate reading is only 2ppm and not much signs of algee in main tank or on glass. It seems to me the scrubber is doing its job."

Weatherby68ss on the scrubber site: "i have been into this hobby for 3 years now and was using a wet /dry filter for the first year and a half or so untill i found out about algae scrubbers. i have to admit i would not still have an aquarium if not for my ats. its simply to much time, work and $$$ using any other type of filtration. with the ats i can actually sit back and enjoy my tank and keep my fish fat and happy with out worrying about the next water change because i hav'nt done 1 in over a year! :D anyone thats thinking about building 1 all i can say is go for it THEY WORK!!! nuff said"

Mgraf on the RC site: "I have been running a scrubber for about 8 months now, at first I had a skimmer running, macro's, rock rubble, and deep sand bed. Same setup as you almost. I still have the deep sand bed but, eliminated the other stuff over time for the sake of simplicity. I clean the scrubbers algae once a week, do monthly water changes, feed often and alot, and my corals and fish have never been happier or fatter in the year and a half it has been set up. Many may disagree but, for me it is the easiest way to run a salt water reef."

Jukka on the RC site: "I used to have various carbon sources + ATB Supersize skimmer as filtration for my 400 gal reef. I never succeeded to outcompete nutrient problems with those, no matter how much carbon I added. I also tried the pellet version. Since building a large scrubber with lots of light, all problems are gone. But I didn't take the skimmer out of the system and didn't stop carbon dosing, and don't intend to. I just reduced carbon amount to about 1/10 of the original. I like the effects carbon does for fungi, and other stuff like that, growth. Though other reason for keeping skimmer online is the amount I paid for the supersize ATB.
共花了三個晚上、半個早上及今天一整天 (要不是昨天被學長"困"在新竹,今天早上就應該差不多好了)

這次直接把外掛 skimmer 給移除了
沒辦法,不拿掉 skimmer 就沒空間搞 ATS 了



這是用壓克力做的"過濾盒"... (不含 LED 燈及散熱)


這是 ATS 的紅燈也加上的樣子


我什麼試劑也沒有 (乾了的乾了,壞了的壞了...)
共花了三個晚上、半個早上及今天一整天 (要不是昨天被學長"困"在新竹,今天早上就應該差不多好了)

這次直接把外掛 skimmer 給移除了
沒辦法,不拿掉 skimmer 就沒空間搞 ATS 了



這是用壓克力做的"過濾盒"... (不含 LED 燈及散熱)


這是 ATS 的紅燈也加上的樣子


我什麼試劑也沒有 (乾了的乾了,壞了的壞了...)

放心 再過陣子 會連中缸都 混亂的

用來ats 我發現 對珊瑚來說 有驚人的修復力
放心 再過陣子 會連中缸都 混亂的

用來ats 我發現 對珊瑚來說 有驚人的修復力

現在我的海樹及印尼虎耳們的確很需要驚人的修復力 :)

你的藻屏有打毛麼?看起來好光滑。 。 。


不過才一個星期還看不出什麼明顯的變化 (主缸裏的紅藻泥還是在穩定的增加中啦 :em06: )
現在我的海樹及印尼虎耳們的確很需要驚人的修復力 :)


不過才一個星期還看不出什麼明顯的變化 (主缸裏的紅藻泥還是在穩定的增加中啦 :em06: )

我的水量60l 我就用了23*14cm

所以 目前沒蛋白 也停白棉 也有底砂
目前玻璃也好久沒擦 有底砂的玻璃那邊也退增 也乾淨哦

這ats真是好物 但我也持續觀察中

還有你的藻屏 應該是材質問題
材質軟點 才能刮的毛一點
我的水量60l 我就用了23*14cm

所以 目前沒蛋白 也停白棉 也有底砂
目前玻璃也好久沒擦 有底砂的玻璃那邊也退增 也乾淨哦

這ats真是好物 但我也持續觀察中

還有你的藻屏 應該是材質問題
材質軟點 才能刮的毛一點

我的藻屏的有效面積大概約 20*17cm 吧
不過其中有一部份沒水 (馬達不夠強,還在物色新馬達中)

今天看了一下仔細看了一下缸子 微生物超級多.... 看得出有很多皮老闆 以及肉眼看出一點白的微生物

且之前停掉1-2天 水會變綢 現在完全不會
造浪馬達 也換成小顆的了 目前 主缸 除了馬達包尿布 沒有其他的白棉

順道問 下 用這個系統養的活 雛菊嗎 有誰試過呢

最近可能會在主缸就直接培養 珊瑚金藻 試看看 會有啥事情發生 哈哈

對於免換水 我還是持保留態度
因為除非 浮遊生物多到 珊瑚不再以元素為食

測試這20天發現 元素還是會短缺
需要再測試久點 把微生物 珊瑚食用微藻養足 再說
上方 下方