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Foreign friends club - MD tank case study

0980997889 LINE ID:harryshit
What does the Fiji or red seas sand different from Philippines sand ? Is it more on the less possible phosphate or heavy metal content ?

Can anybody share your experience and connects here ?

More over I been thinking adding sand to increase the surface for bacteria to colonize , but I wonder the condition of the sand should be able to have more pores for bacteria to stay? (In layman term) but some one say better if it is aragonite base and limestone is the best ?

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You are way too much concerning about contamination. I wouldn't fixate on this,or can't go on.
The companies want to hold and establish their reputation.I would trust their product not harmful.
I think they are all good. It is kind of " feel" thing.
Yeah reputation , this is Also why I sometimes buy a buy expensive one may be just to have safe feeling.

Today check my water parameter :
Kh - 7 dkh
Calcium - 490
Mg - 1395
No3- 10 ppm
Po4 - 0.12 ppm

I think my no3 and Po4 is again fooling me around ?

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Since you are going to restart the tank. The parameters now seem not much of importance.
The ca and mg ,I roughly target on a ratio of 1:3. Say suppose ca is 400 then mg should be at about 1200.
It is my way on this. I keep kh at about 7~8dkh.
Don't ask me why. I was tought this way.
Just my own way of reefkeeping. No one has to pursue any specific method or parameters that you don't agree.
For your reference
Thanks David ,

Got the corals sand today , tomorrow will be busy working on my tank.

Buy also a TDS meter and check my RODI and its zero TDS , counter check those water only running RO it's 0.08 and try the one direct from faucet it goes as high as 80TDS

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I checked my rodi water with tds,it is 1.0!maybe it is about time.
How long since you last change your cartridge? Mine still zero after certain period of time .

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since you are going to redo your tank, if you can make journal style project with photos to share with us. you will probably receive some comment and advises.
Actually this is like a partial redo , just adding more sands and I rule out copper as the poly filter Tony gave me the other day looks fine with no discoloration after one day of Running water in it.

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I want to use my tank for a case study for all , I will documented it and hopefully we succeed.

The poly filter looks fine as of now as there is no coloration whatsoever so far ; compliment from Psidriven , thanks tony for the poly filter ;




Bought 2 bags of corals sand and starting washing it :





Calcium carbonate content , white clean fizzes after adding vinegar ;



May be I will just buy more live rocks And adding it to the older one or perhaps change all of them later, what you guys suggest?

Cheers ,


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the grain size of your newly purchased sand doesn't look very fine. is this # 1 sand? or #5sand?
It's number one according to seller , they said differnent supplier marked different number

They have the beach sand that is very very fine like sugar grains but I did not take it as it may be content silica stone and worried it will blast off by my strong wave maker in the tank .

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