
Mg測試劑誤差有這麼大嗎? 我的 Seachem Mg 測試劑放了兩年也沒有誤差這麼多..... 怪了!
don't bother to use additive mg to raise your mg for it might result in iconic inbalance. So the best way is use NSW if not then change your salt and go for reefer best salt or IO-O
下面引用由nitewind2006/08/20 11:01pm 發表的內容:
don't bother to use additive mg to raise your mg for it might result in iconic inbalance. So the best way is use NSW if not then change your salt and go for reefer best salt or IO-O
hello nitewind
can you tell me
what is NSW?
下面引用由octopuses2006/08/21 01:02pm 發表的內容:
hello nitewind
can you tell me
what is NSW?
代答一下NSW(Natual Sea Water)..就是天然海水.. :em25:
另外那個IO-O應該是Istant Ocean的海鹽
[這篇文章最後由marskuo在 2006/08/22 02:39pm 第 1 次編輯]

下面引用由nitewind2006/08/20 11:01pm 發表的內容:
don't bother to use additive mg to raise your mg for it might result in iconic inbalance. So the best way is use NSW if not then change your salt and go for reefer best salt or IO-O
Hi nitewind:
Is Tropic Marin PRO-REEF Sea Salt suit for SPS?
Hi marskuo, TM pro use to be a good salt. But they change their qualty of content in the salt and thus make it a rather normal salt.
By far the best salt for SPS is still the "Reefer best salt" which you can get it from sps garden, which you guy are luckily that taiwen does sell and in very cheap price.
The place where I sell don't have this salt and it is too expense for me to bring it it. Thus I go for 50%-50% mix of 2 kind of salt which is Oceanic salt and Instant Ocean salt.
Hi nitewind
Thanks for your advise.
我最重視的也是準確的測試水質, 寧可多花錢買幾種好的測劑也不要誤判亂加藥或買更貴的設備.
先測準確並且和校正液或海水比較一下. 尤其PH很難測準, PH棒要常校正.
鈣反就靠準確的PH來調整. 鈣反出水速度多少? KH多少? 鈣沙的品質也有很大關係
如果確定都正確. 例如Mg/KH都低, 鈣反出水KH超過35.
我的兩米缸用到超過15公斤的鈣反還不夠力, 要再用Kalk反.
再這期間並未換水 ,於換水前
量測水質Ca 460 , Mg 1240 ,已回復之前狀態
一顆手掌大的紅鳥巢, 一顆不知名深水SPS
狀況都是類似 "脫皮" 的現象,再卡藻,之後..........
,一下裝滿到7.5包的量(主因)及0.5包的KZ Mg石導致水質波動
浸泡數天,反覆幾次,應可溶解質地鬆散的固體,降低水質波動,並配合"分次","少量" 的
上方 下方