johnliu00 🏆🏆🏆🏆 金幣 60 2011/02/15 #13 danmhippo 說: 彆腳的翻譯.. ps..... 無法中打是個很糟的藉口喔! 相信我, 微軟與蘋果都可以在英語系統下打中文........... 歡迎你, 並祝你剷雪快樂 按一下展開…… 用中文用力鞭人的只有你而已吧... 其他人都是用中文給建議
danmhippo 說: 彆腳的翻譯.. ps..... 無法中打是個很糟的藉口喔! 相信我, 微軟與蘋果都可以在英語系統下打中文........... 歡迎你, 並祝你剷雪快樂 按一下展開…… 用中文用力鞭人的只有你而已吧... 其他人都是用中文給建議
B bartz 🏅🔰🔰 金幣 18 2011/02/15 #16 Welcome to PH8.4. You just give me the opportunity to improve my English skill. But I am the newbie, and might not give you any comment... Enjoy the saltwater.
Welcome to PH8.4. You just give me the opportunity to improve my English skill. But I am the newbie, and might not give you any comment... Enjoy the saltwater.
orangepeel 🔰 金幣 0 2011/02/15 #18 bartz 說: Welcome to PH8.4. You just give me the opportunity to improve my English skill. But I am the newbie, and might not give you any comment... Enjoy the saltwater. 按一下展開…… i consider myself a"newbie" too. feel free to give your comments whatever in english or chinese,
bartz 說: Welcome to PH8.4. You just give me the opportunity to improve my English skill. But I am the newbie, and might not give you any comment... Enjoy the saltwater. 按一下展開…… i consider myself a"newbie" too. feel free to give your comments whatever in english or chinese,
Y y05502 🏅🏅🏅 金幣 46 2011/02/15 #19 orangepeel 說: hey willy, how big is "1.5尺" in taiwan? 按一下展開…… 30cm = 1 尺 (大約)
orangepeel 🔰 金幣 0 2011/02/15 #20 johnliu00 說: 先貼些照片介紹設備吧! 歡迎加入8.4 按一下展開…… yes, i should definitely, after all it's like joining a racing team without showing the car. let me take some pictures so everyone can comment. cheers,
johnliu00 說: 先貼些照片介紹設備吧! 歡迎加入8.4 按一下展開…… yes, i should definitely, after all it's like joining a racing team without showing the car. let me take some pictures so everyone can comment. cheers,
danmhippo 💎💎🏆🏆🏆 金幣 265 2011/02/15 #21 johnliu00 說: 用中文用力鞭人的只有你而已吧... 其他人都是用中文給建議 按一下展開…… 這種技術問題我們就別深究了 嘿嘿黑
W WillyB930 🏅🏅🏅 金幣 10 2011/02/19 #22 orangepeel 說: hey willy, how big is "1.5尺" in taiwan? 按一下展開…… standard american foot, nothing fancy, so its a 45cm cubic with back overflow compartment
orangepeel 說: hey willy, how big is "1.5尺" in taiwan? 按一下展開…… standard american foot, nothing fancy, so its a 45cm cubic with back overflow compartment