消除(但願是永久性的)魚缸裡的綠絲藻,汽泡藻, 草皮狀藻和紅泥藻最簡單+最低成本的方法

KHG KH全自動監視控制器
台灣總代理 海洋夢水族館
最近用了UAS了 不過UAS系統光照到的玻璃長的藻 比藻萍多的樣子 = =

這樣玻璃的藻先長多 會把光擋住嗎?  
UAS 設了三週,但一丁點藻群都沒有,最奇怪是缸壁只有少許啡藻
我是用廁所水 + 0.5 W x 20粒 紅LED
最近用了UAS了 不過UAS系統光照到的玻璃長的藻 比藻萍多的樣子 = =

這樣玻璃的藻先長多 會把光擋住嗎?  




請問你LED 的材料哪裡買??散熱鋁鰭,電源組.....

“因为我有一个12英寸气棒,所以那天我制作了一个非常大的UAS. 我希望尺寸并不会影响太多。制作它只花了我不到20美元。所以它是我见过性价比最好的控制水藻的工具。到今天位置它已经运行了3个月了。我不得不说我的鱼缸看起来比以前好多了。每次清理藻屏时都能看到一种新的藻类,气泡藻,草皮藻.....而且藻屏上的水藻长势非常快。我可以说那些缸中讨厌的藻类已经下降很多了。说实话,下降可以说是一种低估。UAS几乎已经消灭了缸里的藻类。每次我清理藻屏的时候,都无法不去想居然有这么多垃圾在我的缸中生长。

wenreefin on the PNWMAS site: "The first two months of running this UAS scrubber thing I was convinced I was going to rip it out for the algae growth was dismal, and I figured that my system just couldn't make it work. (I also have algae in my fuge) WELL I WAS WRONG. The thing started to really kick in. So much so that I just conducted my only water change in 2 months and I hardly think it was even necessary. I usually do a change of 30% every 2 weeks. My sand bed has cleared up big time too. With the water change I pulled out a good baseball sized amount of algae off the scrubber, couldn't be happier! I will always be running one of these. I will post pics of its growth next time I change water. Many months from now. :) "

Bobba on the scrubber site: "Well, it's been almost 3 weeks with the HOG.5, and 2 with my lone Turbo snail. I am happy to report that I have no Hair Algae left in the tank. No signs of any regrowth of what the snail has eaten either."

Clavius on the scrubber site:

"I've been running a 500 liter tank now for 5 years. It is very well stocked with SPS, LPS, softies, filter feeders and a modest amount of fish. The nutrients were being kept very low by a combination of a giant skimmer and the ZEOvit method. Off course, this results in very lightly coloured corals, which was my goal. Generally I'm very pleased with the colouring and growth of my corals, and please with my tank in general. But one battle I've always lost: brown algae covering my sandbed. I could not, for the life of me, find what was causing those algae. Not to mention solve it. I've tried many many things to solve it, but up untill recently, without luck.

Almost three weeks ago though, I installed a HOG.5 unit. It was a little experiment that I wanted to do ever since I learned about algae scrubbers. I was never creative enough to build one myself, as the space in my 100 ltr sump is very limited. The HOG.5 was affordable and tiny enough to enable my experiment. I could even fit 6 of those units in there with ease. Off course, with the ZEO-method, my nutrients already were really very low. I couldn't measure any NO3 or PO4 with my Salifert test kits. And I never bothered with more expensive kits; unmeasurable should be good enough. I wanted to see if the vitamins and amino acids that the algae scrubber produces would add anything to my reef. And, more importantly, if the algae would consume "something" that the brown algae on my sandbed require.

The result in my sandbed is staggering. After only 3 weeks, not a trace of the pesky brown algae is left! An extra benefit, that I didn't expect, is that my lightly coloured corals now all have noticably much more colour. Without getting darker. They seem to glow! I don't know if it is from the vitamins that are released in the water [from the algae scrubber]. Or maybe the ugly brown algae [on the sand] were also covering my corals and that I now finally seeing my uncovered corals! Strangely enough, the algae in my HOG.5 aren't light green, as you would expect with nutrient-poor tanks. But they're a mix of dark brown with red tints here and there. So, I have no idea why that is or how that works. But at this stage I'm just so happy that I really don't care."
Dear SantaMonicaHelp

I run very low nutrient SPS system as well. I installed the 0.5 unit a month ago, and the algae is still barely growing on the screen. I don't mind keep it in my system for a few more weeks, but just wondering if this is normal.

By the way, one suggestion for your company.

The magnet you use on the 0.5 unit is quite weak IMHO. I have 10mm reinforced glass and your unit in its original configuration simply does not stick on the glass. I eventually have to do a little DIY and glue a set of magnetic algae scrubber to it to make it stay on my glass.

Please let me know if you will have a bigger size version with more powerful magnets in the future.
Dear SantaMonicaHelp

I run very low nutrient SPS system as well. I installed the 0.5 unit a month ago, and the algae is still barely growing on the screen. I don't mind keep it in my system for a few more weeks, but just wondering if this is normal.

By the way, one suggestion for your company.

The magnet you use on the 0.5 unit is quite weak IMHO. I have 10mm reinforced glass and your unit in its original configuration simply does not stick on the glass. I eventually have to do a little DIY and glue a set of magnetic algae scrubber to it to make it stay on my glass.

Please let me know if you will have a bigger size version with more powerful magnets in the future.

Give the UAS scrubber a little more time, it usually takes a few month for the algae to clean up.

We now have the suction cup version on our site. It use suction cup instead of the magnet. So the glass thickness will not matter on this version.
Give the UAS scrubber a little more time, it usually takes a few month for the algae to clean up.

We now have the suction cup version on our site. It use suction cup instead of the magnet. So the glass thickness will not matter on this version.
Actually, I meant the algae is barely growing on the screen pad of your 0.5 unit, and wondering if this is normal.

Nice to know you have suction cup version. Let me know if you will have a bigger size available in the future (eg. 3x the size of your 0.5 unit)
Actually, I meant the algae is barely growing on the screen pad of your 0.5 unit, and wondering if this is normal.

Nice to know you have suction cup version. Let me know if you will have a bigger size available in the future (eg. 3x the size of your 0.5 unit)

How many hours are the light on? Also do you mind post a picture of the screen?
剛剛想到所以順便上來回報一下好了,我的 ATS 已啟用四個半月了,目前 ATS 內及缸內的藻都算是拚命在長,不過缸內有除藻生物所以算是還好,只是沒想像中那麼快穩定... RowaPhos 還是有在下,不然軟泥藻真讓人受不了,每天的餵食應該算是少量,幾十天才餵一次軟體生物或冷凍餌料...
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